birthing pool question...

thanks tilly think im going to order 1, anything else i will need?
I found this on the homebirth/water birth thread. Lisa gives her list of things she got

lisa&alex said:
well... we have measured for a bigger pool.. 6ft all the way around and realised i wont get much support from it.. im 5ft9 so i wouldnt be able to put my feet anf back on the sides if i needed to..

anyway i wanted to put the pool in the kitchen to start off with.. so if i needed to get out and birth out of water the living room would be free.. with sofa and duvet on the floor (and plastic sheets obviously (you can get these from wilkinsons for 99p if mw doesnt provide them) however the midwife will need access to all sides of the pool to walk around.. so we have decided that when i go into labour alex is going to take the kitchen table into the shed for a day or so.. and move the sofa into the kitchen, blow up the pool and start filling it once i know theres no going back..

with a combi boiler it should take 2 bath fulls to fill it.. so that would be around 30-40 mins. with a normal baxi boiler same 2ish bathfulls but a little longer due to you having to reheat the water..if you have a baxi.. its a good idea to keep the imersion (sp) on

as for emptying the pool.. the fishy one that i showed you.. has an inflatable floor and drain.. and you empty it through the drain hole.. attach a hose pipe to the drain hole and run it throught your house to expernal drain i also have an aquarium pump (old one) we will probably use to pump the water out (for a hose, apparently you need a food grade hose.. im going to ask the midwife about this shall get back to you)

sieve can be bought from any hardwear store also you will need to check what type of tap connector you will need they can also be bought for any hardwear store.. wilkinsons is pretty good for everything you need tbh

and about cleaning up and mess after.. the midwife does it going to use an old duvet.. so it can be thrown out.. plastic sheets - lots of.. and lots and lots of towels.. that can just be thrown in the washing machine right after.. i think you keep your placenta to get rid of yourself.. midwife provides a biohazzard bag and someone comes to collect it from you to incinerate.. i think (will get bk to you on it).

im pretty excited about it.. its gonna be fun lol..
That's cool!
I did look at one of these but i'm going to go for the birth pool in a box thing as i think i'd rather have a proper one. Lol
Now i feel silly!!!

WOW though, that's great... might get myself one then... my OH will agree the cheaper the better! Lol
:lol: :lol:

Fab isnt it! For that price!!!! Lisa gave birth in hers and said it was brilliant. You can sit on the sides too. Id get one of those and save a fortune, plus the fishes wil give you a better focal point rather than stare at plain old blue when you're having contractions :D
I'm getting excited now! That's just great! I did see the amazon pool but hadn't realised it was exactly the same! Fandabadozy!
:cheer: :cheer:

you can go and buy yourself something nice now for you or bambino with the money you save :wink:
yeh i agree with Tilly its a bargain, you might not even get to use the pool so no point spending a fortune!

i love a bargain :dance:
I told my OH all about it and he was excited! Hehe! We're going away for 2 days next week - our only chance at a 'honeymoon' so we'll spend the money we saved then on making sure we have a lovely time (and probably do some baby shopping too)!

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