birthday - anyone want to come please

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Me and excited rach both have our birthdays on the 8th oct and we have both decided to have an online party. If anyone would like to come on our special days please let us know.

So far Sarah113 is coming and is bringing the candles for the cake. If anyone else wants to bring anything that would be great. :D

Thanks in advance tracey 2 and excited Rach x x :dance:
I'll bring the cyber cocktails as they are the only kind we can all be enjoying at the mo :lol:
Il bring a huge selection of crisps and dips mmmmm

yeah we can have a karoke if you want. Just dont ask me to sing though. LA LA LA LA. Anybody else want to join us girls spread the word please.

:dance: :dance: x x
Come on guys (thanks to those who are already coming) anyone else want to come. It will be at 7 pm please guys!
ill come! if the kids will let me :p

ill bring hmmmmm wat u want me to bring?
I'll try and make it.
If I can I'll bring choc biccys and toffee popcorn.
tracey 2 said:
Me and excited rach both have our birthdays on the 8th oct and we have both decided to have an online party. If anyone would like to come on our special days please let us know.

So far Sarah113 is coming and is bringing the candles for the cake. If anyone else wants to bring anything that would be great. :D

Thanks in advance tracey 2 and excited Rach x x

can i brnig my budgie? and can i wear my smurf suit?
If so count me in! :cheer:
tracey 2 said:
Me and excited rach both have our birthdays on the 8th oct and we have both decided to have an online party. If anyone would like to come on our special days please let us know.

Sorry I'll be far too busy having MY BIRTHDAY on the same day!


How weird, all 3 of us on one day.
yes budge you can bring your budgie and wear your smurfsuit we will let you
keely- shame on you! P.s- what kind of stripper do you like hopefully davina might have it in stock.

Happy birthday to you to Urchin as well this really is a small world if you can come for a few mins we can sing happy birthday to you to. :D :D x
hehe I'm sure I'll be able to make it for a bit...I'm going toboganning that day, so as long as I'm in one piece I'll come :D

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