Big baby - slower weight gain?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Macey was 11lb 4 oz at birth at 37 +5 gestation, she then went down to 10lb 3 oz within a couple of days due to the gestational diabetes i had in pregnancy they said this was a normal weight loss

We then spent 11 days in SCBU where her weight increased apart from when i tried to exclusively breast feed her and she lost,

We are now 3 weeks and 5 days old and she is 11lb 5.5 oz, she has only put on 3 oz in the last week, she is now formula fed as my milk dried up this week - i had been expressing but wasnt doing it enough.

The health visitor said they are supposed to put on an ounce a day but he isnt worried with her being off the charts he thinks she may just be averaging out

I also rarely get her to have more that 120mls a feed and she feeds every 4-5 hours so she is obviously not hungry.

Anyone else found that bigger babies have a slower weight gain?
To be honest Angel was a bit of a slow weight gainer, averaging about 4oz in the first few weeks. Even now on solids it's less than a pound a month. She weighed 8lb 3oz at birth, she's now 15lb 3.75oz. My nephew was 15 days younger, weighed 7lb 10oz at birth, now weighs 15lb 14oz. So heavier and younger than Angel, not on solids.

All babies are different. She maybe just averaging out a bit.
Galen was 9lb 15ozs at birth and is breastfed. He gained a huge amount of weight and has continued to gain well since birth. He is now 4 months and 2 weeks old and tops the scales at 18lb :D He was on the 91st centile at birth and loiters around the 75th now and has done for ages.

I don't think there is anything in large babies being slower to gain weight tbh. Each baby is different.

Sounds to me like she is just averaging out earlier and may come down the centiles till she reaches a point where she levels off well. If she seems content and is feeding ok and you are having poos and wees I'd not panic yet. If she is always slow to feed and sleepy I'd maybe ask for more advice and try to encourage her to take her feeds better but otherwise give her a chance to settle down. Plus she may have a growth spurt soon and want more milk.

You could always ask your GP or another HV their opinion if you are not happy with your HV.
x Naomi x said:
Anyone else found that bigger babies have a slower weight gain?
Absolutely yes! Roxy was 10lb at birth and lost nearly 1lb in her first week. She then took nearly 6 weeks to regain her birth weight. During this time my HV visited every week to weigh her. She mentioned about topping her up with formula but I didn't feel this was needed and as she was my 3rd, I was confident enough to say no.

Since then, she has put on weight slowly but steadily, was breastfed for nearly 11 months, went on solids at 6 months (the latest out of all my kids) and has never given me any cause for concern. I didn't get her weighed regularly, but last time I did, she had dropped right down the centiles. I believe that she has just averaged out to her natural size and I am sure this is what is happening to your LO, esp due to your diabetes. Her birth weight was obviously not her natural weight.

I've said it before but I'm a great believer in trusting your instincts and if you feel that she is doing ok then she probably is :hug:
Hi, Rudy has gone the other way really- he was 9lb 8oz at birth and 15lb 6oz last time he was weighed at 7 weeks 3 days which has taken him off any centiles :shock: I was worried initially but the HV told me some babies are destined to be big and some small, she said as long as the baby is gaining and the wieght, length and head circumference and near enough (not exactly) in proportion then theres no need to worry. Sounds like your LO is doing just fine :)

Alex xxx
thanks for your replies everyone! she is contented, so i think its just because she is off the chart at the minute, she is just averaging out or maybe she will always be big we shall see! :hug:

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