Big Babies


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Lovella Has Never Been "Over Fed" and Has Stuck To The Same Feeding Pattern Since Birth Really. She Feeds Every 3 Hours Through The Day With One 4 Hour Break Evening Time. At Night She Goes 8 Hours Without a Drop Of Milk Because She Sleeps Through Kind Of and Then Wakes For a Feed & Sleeps For a Further 4 Hours. Then Its Morning Time and Back To 3 Hour Feeds. So Really She Has 6 Feeds In 24 Hours and They are 5oz Bottles But She Sometimes Leaves 1oz Maybe 2.

She Was 9lbs 3oz At Birth and Has Gained 10oz Every Single Week, Making Her a Hefty 13lbs 5oz At 6 Weeks Old.. Can Anyone Tell Me If & When Her Weight Gain Will Slow Down? The Doctor & Health Visitoirs At Clinic Are Really Pleased With Her Progress But Im Starting To Become Concerned That Shes Putting On Weight So Easily Every Week. Shes Very Very Healthy & Always Happy etc But Surely She Cant Gain 10oz Every Week For Much Longer! That Will Make Her 1 Stone Exactly This Tuesday If She Has Gained 10oz Again.

Anyone Else Had Big Babies? Did They Slow Down The Pace?

Dont Say To Feed Her Less Ect Coz Im Not Starving My Child Lol and Shes Not Having Anymore Than All The Other Babies At Clinic So I Know Its Not How Much Shes Eating. Shes Been Like It Since Day One :think:

Birth- 9lbs 3oz
10 Days Old- 10lbs 1/2oz
4 Weeks Old- 12lbs
5 Weeks Old- 12lbs 10oz
6 Weeks Old- 13lbs 5oz
Gosh Carly, I'm sure you are worrying over nothing.

She will slow down or she'd be 10st by the time she was three. If the HV's are happy, I would be too.

What percentile is she on??
Nathan was like that, he didn't really eat much more than other babies but he was 9lb 5oz born and just gained at least half a pound every week for ages. He slowed down a little bit when he was 6 months and I started weaning him then he slowed down even more when he was 9 months and started crawling. Hes now gaining round about 1lb a month and weighed 25lb 2oz at 12 months. Not fat at all but still on the 91st centile. Saying that my eldest daughter carried on piling on the weight till she was 3 and she was massive :shock:
I'm sure if there was anything to be concerned about the HV would pick up on it, you should be proud that your little girl is healthy and gaining :D
aww bless i wouldnt worry about it hun, i cant help as i have a small baby as jayde is now 10 months and only 17lb 6oz but your doing fine and as long as shes healthy dont worry yourself :hug:
Finn is only 13lbs 4.5 oz now at 3 months :D He's breastfed though.
emma28 said:
What percentile is she on??

None Anymore, She Became Above The 99.6th Centile Last Tuesday So Is Now Out Of The Red Growth Chart Guide. I'm Going To See If I Can Have Her Weighed Tomorrow In The Clinic Here (Im Visiting South Wales) So I'll Find Out If Shes Still Gaining 10oz Then.

Dont Get Me Wrong, Im Not Obsessing Over It.. I Just Like Having Weekly Weigh-Ins While I Can :)
Hi Carly, shes doing great and its perfectly normal what shes doing, she will start too slow down hopefuly for you whrn she hits around 8 weeks. They just eat and eat up till then!
Keep doing what your doing, Lovella is doing grand!
You are worrying over nothing hun. As she gets older her weight gain will slow down and because she isnt able to move about yet she isn't burning anything off. The milk is doing her good and if anyone were to have a problem the HV would be the first to say something.
Hun I wouldn't worry if the Hv isn't worried. My LO also is gaining loads she was tiny when born only 5lb14 but last week was weighing 13lb1! Shes nearly tripled her birth weight! xxxxxxxxx
newmum said:
My LO never throws up and only does 1 nappy a day (not including wet ones) so I guess she keeps and uses all that she drinks. Is Lovella like that too?


Thats a Good Point, Lovella Is Like That nd Never Throws Up Although She Has a Few Nappies a Day xxx

Gonna Try and Get Her Weighed Today I'll Let You Know The Results
you seriously dont need to be worrying about weight gain at this age carly.. if she wasnt gaining at all then worry.. they grow sooo much over the next year and right now they arnt very active so its normal for fast weight gain when she starts doing things sitting up.. crawling etc im sure she will slow.. plus illness tends to make kids weigh slow..

wonder if il see u next week.. i know what pram u got n what u look like so if i see u im commin to talk to u lol..
Got Her Weighed Earlier Shes 13lbs 15 1/2oz.. So Thats Just Over 10oz Gained Again. I Asked The Health Visitors This Time Though & They Were Really Happy About Her Weight Gain & Said Shes Coming On Brilliantly So Im Not Worried Anymore :)

..and Lisa.. Iv Been Wondering If I'll Bump Into You! We Didnt Dare Try Getting The Pram On The Train Tho and Im Fatter Than You'll Be Expecting looool. Im Only Here Til Thursday Tho :(

Thanks For The Replies :hug: x

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