
Jul 25, 2008
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I can hardly believe it. I am totally excited but also apprehensive. I have tested quite early (dpo 11 I think) with a first response test this afternoon and it has come up with two lines. My DH thinks the line is faint but it is as clear as day to me!! I only did the test this early because my daughter contracted chicken pox yesterday and I have never had it. We have been trying for nine months and have had no luck so far. I am convinced it won't stick as I have been having a bit of cramping and spotting (brown) since Wednesday so feel sure AF will arrive tomorrow. Has anyone else had cramping and spotting and gone on to a successful pregnancy?
Hi, cramping is normal when you are pregnant. I got awful cramps when i found out i was 5/6 weeks pregnant. They only lasted for a couple of days though. People can also bleed a little when AF would normally be due. Can you post a pic of the test on here so we can have a look... if anything at least it will be reassurance for you! :hug:
Congratulations and keep positive :hug: i think the spotting that early is probably a good sign as if it is implantation bleeding it is doing it in good time and not late on :pray:
I think mine came late on, like day 28 on a 28 day cycle. i think the earlier you ovulate and implant the better it is.
I would love to but haven't a clue how to do it!! I ahve saved it in my pics but when I tried it asked for URL. Don't have a scoobies what it wants me to do!!
Thanks Hollyhobby. I didn't ovulate till about CD19. Today CD29 so not sure if that is good news or not?! This darned technology. it frustrates me that I can't get the pic on there!!
:dance: congrats on the bfp i hope you have a happy, health 9 months :cheer:
there are a few ways to upload a photo.
You can get an account for free at
or if you dont mind having no control over your photo you can use
or imageshack

you copy and paste the code into your post, img code i think it is :hug:

11 days past ovulation is good/early I think to get implantation bleeding, I think before your period is due is good. Don't take my words as gospel though!
woo hoo! another Bfp!! :cheer: just had a look at your pic - congrats!!

I had spotting a bleeding many times throughout my pregnancy from as early as 7 weeks to 27 weeks and went on to have a healthy baby.

Brownish blood is normally old blood and doesnt always mean something bad is going to result from it.

Happy & Healthy 9 months :hug:

Many congratulations hun!!!! Thats a nice line and a BFP ig ever i did see!! :cheer: :dance: :hug: Get yourself a ricker now! :cheer:
Contratulations xx

I had alot of cramps up to about 7 weeks when i was pregnant with jess. Stonger than my normal period cramps. I was convinced i was going to start my period and kept going to the loo to check and nothing

Its perfectly normal

Good luck for the next 9 months xx
well done and have a great pregnancy xx
huge congrats darling!!!!!!!! hope u have a happy n healthy 9 months xxx

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