BFP!!! Updated xxx


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Gosh I am in First Tri!!!! I am still in shock only found out today I am pregnant!! Going to docs tomorrow with hubby after work to have it confirmed!
ow do they work it out? I had my last period on the 5th August 2007 but I did a ticker and it said I was 4 weeks but how can that be as I only ovulated about 2 and a half weeks ago!! DO they go from the date of your last period then which would make 3 and a half weeks is that right???? Sorry to ask so many questions its all new to me!!!

Thanks all xxx

better change that user name then to 'havingababynow'
Congrats :cheer:
Congratulations :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: . you work out your due date from the first day of your period. :D
Thanks!!! How do I change my profile????

I tried in My profile and it never changes!!!
I want a ticker too do you know where I can get a good one???

Thanks sam xxxx :wave:
congrats :hug:
dont think the username can be changed.

and if you see a ticker you like click it which takes you to a page to make your own xx
Congrats :D

Just click on someone's ticker you like and it'll take you to the relevant website. If you're not sure how to do it check out the post in the techy section...

Others have changed their usernames - not sure how its done but am sure a mod can help you out...
Huge congratulations, its an amazing feeling finding out your pregnant. :cheer: :cheer:
I had my period on 1 August and normally conceive around day 14. Had 5 BFP on digital tests like yours on 25 August, which was about ten days after conception. It normally takes around 3 weeks from date of conception but some tests are really sensitive and can show up earlier and depending on the person you may have higher levels in your body when you are pregnant. I went doctors the following day - he didn't do a test cos said would just come out with same result I'd had. Asked for an early scan due to two previous miscarriages and had a scan when I was 7 week 2 days. It was amazing. Congratulations. xxx
Thanks everyone!! i am so nervous going to docs at 5.40 tonight I just hope they do another test aswell!!! he he he!! I just want them to get another BFP!!!

I need to change my name now I have tried for ages and cant seem to do it!!!

I will see if I can get it changed!!!
xxxx Congrats xxx

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