BF'ing-cocked up with tablets question

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Hi all, looking for some urgent advice. I'm BFing Sydnee and this evening without thinking I took some anadin extra for a stinking headache :wall: I have some expressed and frozen breast milk, but how long is it before the anadin's out my system and I can feed her myself again?
You should be fine. It'll be totally out of your system within 12 hours but the worst it can do is give her looser stools. I was on antibiotics in the early days and she was fine. Carry on feeding her as normal.
Oh I've done this honey, I know how easy it is. I think you'll be okay with Anadin as its not that strong, just express for this evening and feed DD again in the morning. Phone NHS Direct/NHS 24 for advice though if that'd make you feel better?

I took some diarohea (sp?) tablets and carried on feeding DD without even thinking about it (idiot!) and then she was really sick - I phoned NHS 24, a doc phoned me back and asked me to read out the ingredients. It was just a stronger version of something they'd have given her if she had a sore tummy herself so she was sick, but nothing serious. I was devastated though and hysterical, I couldn't believe I'd done it!

Its amazing how quickly you forget!

Valentine Xxx
Anadin extra comntains aspirin doesnt it? If so then I would advise caution, as aspirin is not recommended at all for breastfeeding mums due to a risk of internal bleeding. The half life of asprin is thought to be 5 hours for a 1g dose but I am not medically trained. I'd call NHS Direct like Valentine said if you are worried.

Its so easily done :hug:
I got this off their site. Hope it helps.

- Significant amounts of this medicine may pass into breast milk. It should not be used by breastfeeding mothers as it may be harmful to the nursing infant. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
Thanks all. I phoned NHS Direct to be on the safe side and they recommended 24 hours to make sure it's fully out of the system due to the risk of Reyes Syndrome. Luckily I have plenty of EBM in the fridge and freezer as she's only on the boob in the evenings to settle her-I shoot milk everywhere and she's actually less windy/colicky being bottle fed.

Thanks for the replies-thought I'd just update incase anyone else ever makes the same whoopsie I did, I just didn't think, my head was absolutely throbbing and I just grabbed them :roll:

Incidently Lisa, It was 4 weeks ago tonight I was waddling round your local Co-Op having contractions every 3 minutes on my way to Pilgrim!
Little Bump said:
Incidently Lisa, It was 4 weeks ago tonight I was waddling round your local Co-Op having contractions every 3 minutes on my way to Pilgrim!

Cor, that went quick! Lol Quick stop for snacks? Lol.
Lol Lisa. I bought Haribo and juice and a pack of 10 cigs for when I'd had her-though I'm proud to say they're still unopened in my kitchen drawer, me being the good girl I am!

You'll have to pop round or we'll have to meet up or something, I'm always your way as I have an accident prone dog and use your local vets. :lol:
Little Bump said:
Lol Lisa. I bought Haribo and juice and a pack of 10 cigs for when I'd had her-though I'm proud to say they're still unopened in my kitchen drawer, me being the good girl I am!

You'll have to pop round or we'll have to meet up or something, I'm always your way as I have an accident prone dog and use your local vets. :lol:

Sounds good to me. Lol

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