BF mums calories


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I never thought i would say this but im finding it really hard to eat enough to keep my calories up as im bf. I think this is the main problem that DD weight gain has slowed right down because my milk is not rich enough for her.

What sorts of foods are you all eating and how much should i be eating on a daily basis.
My midwife recommended I eat a pudding to help get the extra calories for BF, so me & hubby are slowly getting through all the different kinds of ice-cream stocked in my local Morrisons :lol:
I must admit i am another who probably doesnt eat as well as i should. I tend to eat my weetabix for brekky then i may have toast or a sandwich for lunch and then i have dinner which may be something out of the freezer as we tend to eat after Calleigh has gone to bed as she fusses from 6pm onwards so wouldnt beable to cook anything anyway.
Plus it doesnt help that OH doesnt get off his arse and think to cook dinner whilst i am giving Calleigh her feed before she goes to bed :x

I am now going to start to try and plan meals now, possibly cook bulk in advance and freeze some. Just so i know that what i am eating is made from scratch etc. I think i am also going to have to make sure i make the time for a more substantial lunch.

It would be interesting to see what other BF mums eat, especially as we are meant have extra calories.
My biggest problem is i eat too much junk. I have my extra calories in ice creams, chocolate, cakes, sweets. I just can't help myself. But i generally don't eat dinner as midday she's wide awake.
I try and eat fruit, so i mix my bananas with yogurt instead of making a sandwich. Sandwiches are so boring.
Logans weight seems to be static at the moment too. He hasnt put anything on this week but my HV said not to worry.
I didnt think what you ate affected the quality of your milk. I thought you'd get ill before your milk suffered. Women in famines still manage to breastfeed :think:

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