
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Can anyone help??
I used to have a phone no that you can ring, tell them your situation, and they will tell you what benefits you would be entitled to, i cant find it anywhere, and i need to find out urgently, im due back to work on monday, but i have to work out if its worth my while before i stop my maternity pay. Does anyone know who i can contact?? Would CAB help?

Im really scared, OH is in hospital with 2 totally knackered discs and is looking at major surgery and a long time off work, i was due back to work on monday, but i dont have any child care now as OH was having C whilst i worked, this wont be an option now.
Our out goings are £1300 a month....our incomings are £100 a week!! Its looking like we may have to sell the house to cover everything. My poor OH. All he does is apologise that he isnt looking after Charlie and I......I feel a cry coming on
i would go to the cab hunny they are going to be your best option your oh should get sick pay and if he is not he should be intelited to sick pay from the goverment i can't remember what it is called but the cab should be able to tell you that, and you should be able to get help with child care with child tax credit and working tax credit.

I think the cab is going to be your best option hunny to find out what you need to do but before you go take your oh pay slips with you say 3-4 months worth take your pay slips (or p60 if you have it yet) with your 3-4 months and take some thing with your child tax credit on it to tell them how much you get and your child benfit to and if you get any other benfit as well so they can work it out other wise you will have to go back to them at a later date.

I hope this helps hunny, and everything works out for you. Good luck
Ill give them a call in the morning, and will head down to cab.
He'll get Stat Sick Pay (SSP) its about £50 pw.
Thanks again
Hi hun , urchin has already given the number to you, but I just wanted to say hope things get sorted soon. Money worries are awful.

Hope your OH gets better soon x
Hope you get it sorted. I am worrying as OH still having probs with job, and my mat pay is the lowest rate now. If I tighten my belt anymore I'll turn purple. Hope you get it sorted hun xx
Thanks so much for your replies, i feel sick at the thought of having to sell our home. Sometimes i wonder if we will always have this bloody black cloud over us????
Thanks again sooooo much, support means millions to me :)
If it helps you at all, I semi-understand your money worries, me and Mark have got ourselves into serious debt now and are going through a debt management charity (all free of charge - refered by a friend on here) who are cutting our payments down., it may give us bad credit for a while but is that an option for you?
Thanks Sami, not really as we own our house we live in and also own an appartment abroad. if we sell the house at least we will make enough money to pay for the property abroad, and all our debts, and have a little bit left for a deposit on a new place evenatually, we would have to go and live with my mum and dad, which we are planning on staying there a while as they can help me with simon and charlie whilst i work a coupke of days maybe.
So sorry to whine on, but im just sooooooooooo worried/scared/etc. Trying to be strong so OH doesnt worry while his is so poorly.
Just been staring at Charlie for ages, they are so nieve and innocent, she has no idea of all the stress and worry happening in her family life, bless her.
Oh hun I am sorry. If you need a chat or someone to moan at I'm here! If I can help you try and make head or tail of things I'll try to help. Sometimes it's easier to see when you're on the outisde. When you're on the inside it feels like a big black hole eh :(
Thank you so much Sami!
Im heading down to CAB now, so hoping they will give me an idea what we are enttled to...hoe long do benefits take to come through nowaday, it used to be weeks is it still that bad???
It depends which benefits you are claiming, They usually take about 2 weeks plus to go through, although there are some things which take less/longer. It also depends on your area. For things like housing benefit, I can go down to the office, talk to someone and tak eall the paperwork with me, and they will tell me on the spot what I can get and I'll get it the next benefits pay day (usually about a week later).

Let me know how you got on and what they say you can claim. PM me if you'd rather keep this all a bit more private :) Good luck!!
hels said:
hoe long do benefits take to come through nowaday, it used to be weeks is it still that bad???

Tax credits are quick, jobseekers etc is longer. If you need childcare the tax credits should cover most of it, get them on to it ASAP.

Can your hubby be signed off by a doctor and get some sort of disability allowance? Can he get sick pay from work or anything?

Good luck today hun let us know how you get on.
Im back from the opened at 9.30, i got there at 9.36 an i was too late, they wouldnt see me, they were all ready full.
:( :wall:
hels said:
Im back from the opened at 9.30, i got there at 9.36 an i was too late, they wouldnt see me, they were all ready full.
:( :wall:

huh? so they just sent you away? can you book an appointment? Are they full for the rest of the day?

They told me to come back on monday. I just burst in to tears.
She then said it may be possible if i wanted to wait until the end i may get seen. i would have had to sit with Charlie in there for 6 hours. I dont think. Cue more crying :oops:
I rung tax credits and they said they would send out forms, 'though they may take a few weeks' WHAT???????
My mum has been a star and she said she will help us out as much as poss. Im going to try and contact our mortgage provider for a 'payment break' and then im gonna go back to work on monday and leave C with my mum.
We have worked really really hard for what we have, and i wont be giving it up with out a bloody fight!!! Tears of anger now LOL!!!
Sorry for such a miserable post, thanks for letting me whinge, bitch and moan. xxx

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