Been to the doctors and ..... *UPDATED*

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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she was usless! :evil: I told her that i had 3 possitive pregnancy tests and that i had been feeling really faint and sick but she refused to believe me! What does a girl have to do! I told her i would take a pregnancy test there and then (my bladder was full so it would have been really easy!) for her but she was having none of it! I was thinking about putting one of my tests in the post and teling her to suck on it! :moon:

The only thing that she did say was that she would arrange for a scan as it could be a cyct! For goodness sake i have had 3 +'ve tests!

I work with the local GP's in my town and i have heard bad reports about her but i never expected her to be so rude.

I only went as i have a really slow heart and was worried about bubs. I guess the only good thing to come out of this is i get an early scan but really what does a girl have to do.

So that is my first medical experience of being pregnant and it SUCKED! :wall:

DH reckons to put a complaint in but as i work with her i am a little reluctant
ow awful for her to treat you like that...can't you see another doctor? I would put a complaint in about her...a doc is supposed to listen..not put a damper on your exciting news......congratulations though hun....
Jeez - that's all a bit harsh! If she's not going to test you then what does she expect you to do to prove youre preggers?!!

Personally I would see another Dr and complain about her! You should ask what the Practice Policy is on pregnancy, as it seems to me that everyone else's Dr just takes your word for it!
WTF?? Stupid doc, can I ask is there a reason why she doesn't believe you're pregnant? Is it because of something in your history? What a horrible Doctor. I would change ASAP and write a letter of complaint, that's harsh. :hug:
absolutely change docs. My doctor is FANTSASTIC. I told him id had 3 posotive tests, and he was beaming and congratulating us. He actually said he has to try and not look too happy when people go in , just incase its unwanted, but we'd been trying for 8 months so he was really happy for us.

I asked him if he had to give me and "Official" Preggers test and he just said there was no point because apparently " The bloke in the lab will just open a packet of clear blue anyway" LOL.

Its really worth changing to someone you like and trust. I have to travel a bit to get yo my doc, but he's so good, i cant ever see me changing.

Your doctor was very rude to you and i think she owes you an apology. :evil:
I went a couple of months ago because i was having loads of symptoms and i had a -'ve tests but was still hoping. I think she thought i was time wasting today.

I explained about the +'ve test but i think she was having a bad day. I was going to book another appointment tomorrow but i think i might just turn up at the open surgery with my tests and also a pot of wee! Going to take DH as well. A letter of camplaint has been drafted so we wil have to see if i post it.
good for you, hun. I can't believe she was so rude to :hug:
How disgustingly rude! Id definitely make a compliant, what if something happened to you or the baby, because of your heart problem?
That's the first time I've ever heard of a doctor not believing that a woman is pg when she's had positive tests :shock: She could have tested there and then
I certainly had a full bladder to be able to perform! Going tomorrow so we will see thenx
:shock: :shock: Your plan sounds really good though! Perform your heart out! :D
I just got a phone call from the GP surgery from the receptionist appologising for her colleagues behaviour :shock: :shock: :shock:

Apparently there was some family circumstance that she wasn't able to explain but she said that was why she acted so bad. The GP would have phoned herself but had to go straight home.

I felt so sorry for the receptionist so i just said it was ok and that i was going to return tomorrow anyway. I now have a new appointment booked for friday moning to see a different GP to discuss the development for the pregnancy - she said i may even get a scan if they can wangle it! Dont think you will be able to see much at 5weeks 2 days though but still excited.

I am feeling a little bit better about it but i am definately going to take all the pregnancy tests in to show them!

I think the whole situation was weird - I guess i get in bad moods and take it out on people so i guess if something at home was going on her mind was probably distracted. Don't think i will worry about the complaint but will speak to DH tonight to discuss it further x
just notised your on the south coast hun not my useless doctors you go to is it?
glad you got some sort of result from them
manda xx
No matter whats going on in her personal life, that was highly unprofessional of her. Im glad things are looking better for you though xx

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