Been sent home ill AGAIN!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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So, as the title says, I have been sent home ill from work :(
I was fine until after dinner, when I started having pains in my chest and felt really dizzy. I didn't want people to think I'm daft, so was working up the courage to tell someone I felt funny and luckily one of the nurses asked if I was feeling ok as I didn't look right either - Thank God she did!!

I started going really faint when I was talking to her, so she sat me down and asked what was up. She said 'Right, you're going home don't worry about the others I will tell them whats going on' and she walked me to meet OH at his work.

I rang the delivery suite, who said I need to make an appointment with my GP. While I was on the phone the MW checked my blood results (which I was meant to be waiting 2 weeks for at my next consultant appointment) and HB is 9.6 (should be 10.4) so no wonder I've been feeling so shocking lately!!

OH got me a taxi home, as didn't feel safe walking home feeling so dizzy. My mum is coming soon to run me up to the doctors. With my past history of epilepsy I don't want to walk there and back alone, in case I pass out due to past experience.

Anyway, just fancied a little rant feeling so sorry for myself. I don't want people to think I'm taking the piss having time off all the time :( x
Aww hun, hope you're feeling better soon!!! I wouldn't worry about work, they sound understanding like mine - I've now been signed off for two weeks, which will take me up to 2 days before I start 4 weeks annual leave, followed by my mat leave. Even though my work is short staffed and I felt so so guilty, they were really understanding and lovely!
Aww hun, hope you're feeling better soon!!! I wouldn't worry about work, they sound understanding like mine - I've now been signed off for two weeks, which will take me up to 2 days before I start 4 weeks annual leave, followed by my mat leave. Even though my work is short staffed and I felt so so guilty, they were really understanding and lovely!

They're all really nice, always asking me if I'm ok and can't do enough for me! I know they won't mind but still can't help think it. It's uni I'm more bothered about, they can be right twats about having time off (excuse my language!!) x
Poor you, I hope you feel better soon. Dont worry about Uni, its not as if you can exactly help it. Surely your Doc can give you a note if needs be? its extenuating circumstances. You need to only worry about making sure you and LO are ok :hug: xxx
aww dear hope you ferl,better soon x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
you should talk to your uni. My uni have given me 3 weeks directed activity (thats what they call it but its just time off) due to a sore back. Im supposed to be on placement but they didnt want me to go so ive got 3 weeks off for now and they said they will give me more if i want to take me up to my mat leave. I dont know if this would have been possible f i had lectures though but its worth having a chat with them xxx
Poor you, I hope you feel better soon. Dont worry about Uni, its not as if you can exactly help it. Surely your Doc can give you a note if needs be? its extenuating circumstances. You need to only worry about making sure you and LO are ok :hug: xxx

They seem to think that if you're not on your death bed, you're fit for anything :( Bar-stewards!! I'm sure I can get a doctors note if need be, otherwise I think I will have to reconsider when I go on maternity leave. Yes, you're quite right LO is far more important than any of that!! xxx

you should talk to your uni. My uni have given me 3 weeks directed activity (thats what they call it but its just time off) due to a sore back. Im supposed to be on placement but they didnt want me to go so ive got 3 weeks off for now and they said they will give me more if i want to take me up to my mat leave. I dont know if this would have been possible f i had lectures though but its worth having a chat with them xxx

Are you doing nursing? Hmmm, this may be an option but I am going to wait and see how I feel once I've finished my antibiotics and given time for the ferrous fumerate to kick in. Hopefully I'll be bouncing off the walls! Lol! If I had lectures I think I could just about cope with it, as it's nothing too strenuous. I wish my uni were as understanding!! I'm in on monday, so will see if my tutor is going to be nice and understanding (hopefully!) xxx

Thankyou for your all your well wishes ladies, means alot especially when am feeling crappy!! I :love: Tri 3 xxx
Yeah im in second year :) See how you feel on monday and have a wee word with them hun, They might be understanding (or not) lol i know how some of them can be xxx
Yeah im in second year :) See how you feel on monday and have a wee word with them hun, They might be understanding (or not) lol i know how some of them can be xxx

Ooh, I'm a first year! Second year seems a lifetime away now with LO on the way!! So far I haven't had too much trouble with my tutor, but I know what he can be like as he has been an utter twat with some of my mates. However everyone jokes about how I could stand on his desk and spit in his face and he wouldn't say a word!! Other tutors can be awful though xxx
Aw hun ur not having a good time of it!
I hope ur uni are understanding and hope u start to feel better soon xox

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Aww you poor love...try not to worry about Uni. I use to be the secretary of the EC panel and use to grant everything. One time a girl said she was struggling with her new baby and her evidence was.....a picture of her baby lol I'm sure they will grant you an extension if you get something from your docs. Hope you are feeling better soon xxx
Hope ur feeling better soon! Im sure ur uni will be understanding if you spoke to them about it. Im in final year, and found that uni were really helpful with things when I spoke to them about my worries etc. Good luck with everything x

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