Been caught speeding?

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Just a quick question really - i got flashed by a speed camera the otherday (one of the yellow ones) but i got flashed head on. I don't recall there being a car on the otherside of the road but as it was 5:20am I can't be too sure. Has anyone ever been caught like this? Also do the yellow ones only get you from behind?

Also how long to you have to wait before a speeding fine comes through?

Any advice would be much appriciated!
I always thought the yellow ones dont flash? :?
I got flashed doing 34 in a 30 mph limit :evil: The fine came through in about a week - 10 days I suppose.
i only thought they flashed once you had passed them?
how can they tell the speed with you coming up to them?

should be about 10days i think
It happened over two weeks ago so hoping it wasn't me

I also thought they had to flash you from behind to get your liscene number?
I don't think they will get an accurate speed reading if you're going the other way, I could be wrong though. If you do get a ticket I'd check it out.
Im pretty sure the camera flashes you from behind so I cant see it being you... I could be wrong tho :think:
Depends if it was a forward facing camera :?
They have these all over Watford at the moment thank god for a 1.2 :|
Oh and the new digital cameras don't flash either :evil:
the forward facing ones certainly flash you! We even requested the photo from the camera in the hope that they would drop the such luck! You couldn't tell it was me driving but they had the car clear enough :(
There is a time limit on how long till your fine arrives i think its 2 weeks
I think it's about 10 days.

I thought they had only got you proper if it flashed twice very quickly? Just what I have heard, could be wrong. :)

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