
Josie TB

Active Member
Jul 19, 2010
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My little girl is 5 yo and was delighted with the appearance of her little sister at the end of last year. However, during the summer she started wetting the bed again, having been dry for nearly 18 months. I'm not sure if this was a delayed reaction to the appearance of her sister or the thought of starting proper school but for the last 3 months, despite our best efforts, she's barely had a dry night and to make matters worse, she's regularly dirty as well. It's got to the stage where she's back in proper nappies, as opposed to pull-ups (am I the only Mum who finds pull-ups tend to leak??) I could have understood this happening earlier in the year as her sister made an early appearance and took a lot of attention.

Longer car journeys (greater than 1 hour) have also become problematic to the point where she's back in pull-ups for these.

We've been to the doctors and there appears to be nothing wrong with her. She seems to be happy in herself and seems to enjoy school where she's only had 2 accident in her first 9 weeks which I wouldn't think is unusual? We've also done all the obvious things such as restricting evening drinks, waking her up when we go to bed and taking her to the loo, good girl charts etc

Looking through old posts on here it seems relatively common for children to regress a little on the birth of a sibling. My first question is: for Mums who have experienced the same problem, how long did it last?? Weeks, months?? Now I'm back at work I'm finding it difficult to cope with this.

My second question is a little more personal so ignore it if you want. I have a theory that bedwetting is hereditary. I was a chronic bedwetter when I was younger (and for those who remember my pregnancy posts, while I was expecting too!) and so was my sister. My OH claims he had an occassional slight problem, although his Mum says it was more than slight and his daughter (my stepdaughter) still wets the bed regularly at the age of 13.

So does anyone here think they have evidence of a hereditary link? I'm trying to rationalise the whole problem and decide how strict I should be with my little Angel.

I do apologise for only coming on here to ask about the yucky stuff; I'll try and think of something nicer next time.

Only just seen this, sorry. It is possibly that there's something hereditary, although considering that she'd been dry until recently it seems less likely. It's definitely common for children to regress in sone way following the birth of a sibling or at any time there are big changes happening (like starting school). My son was younger but we went through something similar after he'd been totally dry during the day for about 6 months. It was around the time that his little brother started to become more mobile and wanted to play with the same toys etc. Someone suggested that it was possible that he was feeling more threatened because he suddenly wasn't the only one doing the things he did - although he didn't show that he felt that way in any other behaviour. He went from being totally dry to never going to the toilet when he needed to - it was as if I'd just taken him out of nappies and stuck some pants on one day without telling him :wall: It actually took about 9 months for him to be completely back to normal again x
I've been wondering about this! Katies not been trained very long but has suddenly regressed and will just wee whenever! She does go to the loo sometimes, but she'll happily walk around wet til I notice :wall: I've found lidl own pullups really good!

I'm worrying about hereditary stuff too as my OH was a wetter til very late! Although this Wong affect my two, it could affect any others we have!

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I think it's just really common for them to regress a bit sometimes. They get so much praise for it all the time at first, and it's all a bit of a novelty. Although we went back to reward charts and things again with Sam and he just wasn't bothered. I'm leaving Toby in nappies until he's at least 8!
:rofl: I'm desperate for Ella to train, I'm sick of her shedding her clothes and weeing everywhere!

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:lol: Sam used to take his clothes off all the time but Toby never has - he can take them off if I ask him too but he doesn't seem to want to be naked at every opportunity like Sam!
Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I thought we were making progress this week with four consecutive dry nights.....but in the car on our way to my sister-in-laws today Angel piped up with "Mummy, I think I need to do a wee wee" which usually translates to mummy I've just done a wee wee and sure enough, another accident. I wonder if this could be my fault though as I really don't like my s-i-l and I wondered if my winging to my OH got to my little one?

So now I'm sitting on the loo at my s-i-ls with a glass of wine and my ipad feeling really really guilty.
Can't really give any advice on childs side of things as my son is still in nappies. But me I started to do it at 5 and I didn't stop properly till I was 16 :( I put mine down to stress and worry. As my sister tended to cause alot of arguements with my parents and it caused a tension most of the time. Also as I never saw my own father and soon realised at a young age my stepdad wasn't my dad I just sensed that maybe didn't help towards matters. I found I went into a deep sleep when I was younger and found it difficult to wake up when needed. I never had any alarms or anything like that fitted, I spoke to the school nurse when I was in igh school as it concerned me as I was embarrassed by it. All my friends knew and sometimes teased me. I was bullied alot too so I guessed that never helped me. I never felt at ease or happy with my life. I just grew out of it in the end as I get older past 14 it gradually got more dry nights to wet ones.

From what my mum told me as soon as my older sister stopped doing it that was when I started... :S Maybe for attention at the younger age. I do maybe think it is hereditary, as most of my siblings did it my little sister not so much but I guessed that because she never went throught the trauma of my real dad as he was abusive and a drunk towards my mum and my older sister and brother x

Hope this helps x

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