Hi I have a streety and I had to have a think about this issue before buying it, I dont have baby to put in it yet so I will be interested in any views folks have.
My feeling is that it swaps over very easy to front facing for folding (believe me we have road tested ours for all eventualities!!) its literally two buttons on the side pressed in and turn the seat around-slots into the chassis very easily, although I would be interested to know if you can actually do this with LO in the seat... me thinks not?.
I think that seeing as I will only be folding to put in the car I will be trasfering LO to the car seat so wont be too much of a problem for our circumstances. IF I were to have to go on a bus or such like they are usually low level easy access and any problems I will just have it front facing for that occasion (busy bus times for example)
Hope that helps a little til Lozzi or someone with expierience of having a LO in the pram can comment.