Bad day today


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Last night I did'nt even get 2 hours sleep, then this morning getting Luke ready for school I passed out twice, Luke got really scared as i was out for a while the second time and OH was in work and could'nt hear Luke phoning and my mum was on the phone.
Finally got through to my mum after i came around, and she came to the house to get me and Luke as he would not go to school untill he had someone with me as he did'nt want me on my own.
In the afternoon my mum came with me to see the midwife, she is going to get back in touch with the hospital as she is so conserned about me passing out now and said it was getting to dangerous. But on a lighter note baby is fine head down and perfect size, and the pain and discharge is normal.
When my mum got Luke from school he asked her if I was dead! :shock:
When he got back to me in the car he was so pleased to see me.
well I hope tomorow is better
Sorry to hear about your day, glad the MW id sorting it though, it must have been so scarey for your little lad. :hug:
:shock: That sounds scary, lets hope the MW will be able to help :hug:
:shock: ... that must have been upsetting for you all.

Is Luke ok now, or is e still worried about Mummy? aww bless him.
Hes a brave boy though, he handled it really well.

Glad the midwife is taking good care of you and babys doing well.

**sends hugs** :hug: xx
:shock: Wowzers, what a brave little boy!

When I was working with my mum and she passed out a few months ago, after i'd woken her up and what not, I broke down crying it was so scary!
Well I had trouble again today this morning I felt really dizzy, so I got my mum to take his to school again but he wont leave me unless OH or my mum is with me he follows me to the loo even!

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