back to work

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I am going back to work tomorrow full time.

I have sent my CV off for a term time job so i should know by the end of next week if i have got an interview.

i dont want to go to work tomorrow. :( :( :( :(
oh poor you... ((hug)) it's no fun
try and see it as time to yourself, without the kids
and good luck xx
I know how u feel, I went btw full time 3 weeks ago. I felt bad because Bex was only 4 months, but once ur bck and in the swing of things, it wont b as bad. The pennies will b good too! Hope it goes ok, and you have all ur clothes ironed and ready, bag packed, packed lunch made! :wink:

PS I find it exhausting tho! :roll: Full time and still coming home to cook, clean, wash, iron and look after a baby. :|
i am a medical secretary in the local hospital.

i havent got to go back until tomorrow afternoon as i am having monday and thursday mornings off to take joshua to nursery. (broken leg, we have to stay with him). My work has agreed to this, until they break up.

I have applied to be a student supervisor which basically means that i would supervise the naughty kids at secondary school. could be quite interesting!!!!
Hi Davina.... sorry you're going back to work! I will be thinking of you and hope that all turns out ok.
I think it's a really hard thing to do and I take my hat off to any mum that goes back to work. I did part time work with my 2nd baby and now with Oscar, I'm thinking about becoming self-employed. I just can't beat leaving him with anyone, and my DH is telling me "We need a second income"!!!!!

Good luck - I'm sure time will pass quickly! You might even enjoy the break.

Emilia xx
iknow what you mean. my DH stays at home as we both didnt want to leave the boys with strangers, and he cant work due to his dodgy wrist.
Know how you feel, I'm back tomorrow :(
Hope it goes really fast for us both.
Did you get the CV ok??
Oh boo. I hope its not too bad for you. How's Joshua?
:hug: Hope it goes well and you also get the other job! :pray: xx
yes thanks Beanie.

my mum sent my old cv and i combined it with the layout of yours. fingers crossed.

thanks again.
have a nice day, hun!!!
am going back to work on the 17th...just for a week, and my own childminder who i love just like my mum is coming from France to look after Maheen while I am at work, so I can defo trust her...BUT I DON@T WANT TO GO either!!!! :cry: :cry:

am dreading it, so I really really hope you have a good 1st day!

Mel xx
Awww rubbish guys :cry: Hope your day is okie. Must admit I'm so glad I'm not going back.
Hope it went ok today Davina and Beanie - I went back too :(

If I have another child i'd like to give up working...
It wasn't too bad, everyone seemed really nice and friendly (have joined a new team) and I didn't have too much to do today, but I had 876 emails waiting for me lol

it wasnt too bad. went to work after joshua finished nursery. doesnt seem like ive been off for six months :(

you beat me beanie i only had 583 emails. lol

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