Back to Work


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Hi Everyone,
I just thought i would post as i dont want to go back to work tomorrow. Not only have i had a few weeks off spending time with my oh but i've not been enjoying my job for a little while now (i work in Marketing). Been at the same place for nearly 9 years and i'm still in my 20's!! I know i should be thankful i have a job considering the people who have been made redundent due to the credt crunch and i am but i know tomorrow morning i'm going to be sat in my car for 5 mins dreading going in like i usually do. I think it's mainly my boss, i'm such a private person but my boss is so nosey and hates not knowing anything.
Just thought i'd ask if anyone else is not looking forward to returning to work after time off?
Yep I'm back full time as of tomorrow and Becky is off to nursery :( She loves nursery, it's the aspect of leaving her I'm not looking forward to but part time isn't an option for me as all of my family are still working and we have noone else who can look after her.

I love my work and my colleagues are great but they will all turn up at my door tomorrow saying how hard it must be coming back and leaving her - because that helps :roll: Tempted to stick a sign on the door that says "please leave me alone" and not go to the staffroom for breaks.

Good luck :hug:
Back to work after the christmas break but my jobs a little unstable at the moment so I'm hating going in and not knowing whether I should act like bollox to them, or whether I should be acting good.
Either way I don't wanna go back in tomorrow. I'm gonna have to wear my nice shirt to make me feel better.
im not at work till Tuesday!

cant wait for maternity!! feel sooo drained all day everyday!!

thought tiredness was meant to fade in 2 trimester! lol
Hi daftscotslass,
how did your first day back at work go? I hope it went well for you.
It was quite good for me actually. Extremely busy at the mo and like you i'm knackered :bored: That will teach me for staying up all hours of the night over the xmas period!! It's come back to bite me on the back side now! :D :hug:
Sorry, forgot to ask you leckershell and Zoe~Louise how your days back at work have been?
Lekershell - sorry to hear your job in unstable, although my job is safe i have had several colleagues loose there jobs just before xmas due to the economy. I hope wearing the nice shirt worked! :hug:
Zoe~Louise - How far along are you now in your pregnancy? I too look forward to maternity and i'm not even pregnant again yet! :hug:

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