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Nov 9, 2007
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Well, the cervical stitch is now IN!!

I had a very weird, long uncomfortable day yesterday, and experienced my first epidural. Kind of hated the whole experience, and had a whole room full of students watching my lady bits being stitched. All dignity was well out the window, with my bum tipped halfway towards the ceiling!

The doc said he was glad he did do the stitch straight away, as although my cervix measured 2.5cm when he scanned, he actually only had 1cm to work with when placing the stitch (not sure how that works...). He said it went well, and was pretty positive that it should now help me. If all goes well it gets removed at week 34 (God i can only dream about being that far along right now!)

So i'm home, in bed and in a bit of pain. But very relieved that hurdle is over. Now i have another scan next thur and just hope my cervix is behaving itself. I still can't truly believe that this stitch can hold my baby is. I'm so nervous now about moving around - but i guess thousands of women of it every year and it works for them, so trying to be positive and not too nuts about it.

Thanks for all your positive thoughts and messages. It means a lot when you're stuck in bed with nothing but the tv to make the days go by!

Hi Kate
Hope you dont mind me posting. Just wanted to give you some of these :hug: :hug: and say get plenty of :sleep: lol!

My sister in law had 4 miscarriages and a stillborn at 24 weeks. She since went on to have 2 daughters, both with the help of a cervical stitch. As worrying as i can imagine it must be....she still carried on day to day, working, shopping, being a mum etc.

I hope this can help you see a positive outcome.

glad it all went well for you, fingers crossed your cervix will behave and you can have a term delivery.
:pray: :pray:
ive got everything crossed that the stich does the trick!

Put your feet up and take it easy :hug:
Glad you're back and ok. How long do you have to take it easy for? If the specialist is positive hun I would try to be too :hug:

Wishing for some decent TV for you now! :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
So glad it all went well and you must be relieved its over and the stitch is now in place doing its job.

Stay positive hun :hug:
Glad it went well for you luv it must be an awful worry for you. Rest up and take it easy we are all thinking of you :hug: :hug:
so pleased it went well kate,sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
and take it easy x :hug:
Have a stern word with your cervix and tell it it has to behave itself..... glad it all went well hun take good care of yourself.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
aww you poor thing; youve had to go through it.

I'm glad it went well though and you take it easy :hug:
Glad you got the stitch and all went well!
Get plenty of rest :D :hug: :hug: :hug:

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