Back from Midwife...


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Didnt really go too well and ive had a little cry (im so pathetic as its nothing serious). :oops:

The midwife said that the cervix is still fully closed and very posterior. She did say that its not as thick as it could be though. She did a sweep (bloody hurt this time) and said she will come round saturday morning and do another one for me.

Im so pissed off.. i was really hoping that by now my cervix would know its time to do something! I know i shouldnt complain as my pregnancy could have been so much more complicated than it has been. Im just fed up now! :(

I think my hormones are a bit all over the place as i hate being wussy.. I'm also probably annoyed as i'm more and more convinced that i will now be induced on Monday and will end up having an epidural which i so didnt want.

For once in my life i wanted a medical procedure to be all natural and not clinical like all the crap ive had in the past but that's slowly going out the window! Now im crying again.. pathetic! :wall:

Sorry for the moan.. im done now.

Claire x
awww hunni i am so sorry for you have loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You need to do that dreaded thing (nookie) and get that cervix sofetened. Marathon night tonight then :wink:

Hopefully bubs will suddendly decide to hurry along before monday :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Nori im really sorry :(
I really thought things would happen for you soon.
Theres no way your pathetic for getting upset its understandable i cant talk from experience and i know its annoying when people say they understand but they dont if they havnt really been there, but i am thinking of you.
Lets just hope this sweep starts to move things along :pray: ing for you that you wont have to be induced xx
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how hard it is as I didn't get my homebirth and I felt the same way!

BUT the most important thing is that very soon you will have your LO in your arms and everything else will fade away and you really won't care what happened :)
Hope things start moving for you.
Get eatig the Pineapple curry sitiing on your birth ball while simultaneously stimulating your nipples
Thanks Ladies.. ive calmed down a little bit now. I've decided to just hybernate until monday and just get through the next few days. If it all ends up with a C-section then so be it as long as the baby is ok.

One thing my midwife did warn me of though is the fact that some midwives in the hospital like inductions as its an easier shift for them if the patient is just linked up to a monitor having had an epidural. She did tell me to refuse the epidural if i really didnt want it and then see how i get on.

Claire x
nori said:
Thanks Ladies.. ive calmed down a little bit now. I've decided to just hybernate until monday and just get through the next few days. If it all ends up with a C-section then so be it as long as the baby is ok.

One thing my midwife did warn me of though is the fact that some midwives in the hospital like inductions as its an easier shift for them if the patient is just linked up to a monitor having had an epidural. She did tell me to refuse the epidural if i really didnt want it and then see how i get on.

Claire x

thats disgusting, just so they get an easier shift :eek: :eek: :eek:
oh hun :(
I really can't imagine how frustrated you must be feeling right now. I'm sorry things aren't going your way.. I really hope things start moving for you!

as Suzie said in the end, none of this will matter when your holding your LO in your arms! hopefully that won't be too long away now :pray: :pray:
I had an induced birth (drip and everything), but I didn't have an epidural. There was no talk of one, I managed just fine on gas and air.

I couldn't move around as much as I wanted due to the tubes but definitely you don't have to have an epidural.

Hi Hun,

You definitely don't have to have an epidural just because you're being induced. I was induced earlier this month and epidural wasn't mentioned once. Before they gave me the pessary to induce labour I had to lie on my back strapped to a monitor so they could monitor baby and check that all was well before giving me the pessary. Once it was inserted I had to lie on my back for an hour but after that I was encouraged to move about as much as possible. No more monitoring or lying on my back until it was time to push. I used gas and air, and had a diamorphine jab but not once was an epidural mentioned so it's definitely not something that comes hand in hand with being induced.

Hope this helps reduce your worries re having to be induced. :hug:

Take care,

Sarah x
Oh Claire you poor thing :hug:
i went for my midwife appoinment today but had got the time wrong so missed it :doh:
My mum was induced with me and never had an epidural so please don't think you will automatically need one, it scared me too that i might have to have one if i was induced.

Evening primrose oil is an excellent source of prostaglandins, which we already determined readies your cervix for labor. It can be taken orally as soon as 34 weeks, and can be applied directly to the cervix at full term (36 weeks). The general recommendation is two 500mg
capsules per day until week 38, at which time you increase to 3-4 per day. The entire capsule can be inserted vaginally (inserted just before bed, it will dissolve before the first time you wake to use the bathroom), or you can use the oil on your fingers for your perineal massage, then also rub on your cervix (assuming you can reach it). Applying directly to the cervix is optimal, but the beneficial ingredients are absorbed through the external skin or the stomach also.

I used this as my cervix was like you desrcibed yours at my sweep it i used it a few days after my sweep but the next day i went in to labour and it was one ready cervix!! Might be worth a go as it's certainly not going to do you any harm, it mgith help your cervix prepare, though like it says it wont induce labour itself.
Aww poor you! I was induced with my first after 10 long and days I remember how frustrating it is! Noone ever mentioned me having an epidural though, fingers crossed baba gets moving before Monday! xx :hug: :hug:
Oh thanks ladies..the leaflet they handed out goes on about epidurals and said 1 in 3 end up with a c-section! My midwife is great as she is very much for the natural approach.. I know its not the end of the world if things dont go to plan though.

Oh and KJ.. i notice you are from Berkshire.. did you have your LO at the RBH?

Claire x
I was going to say the same as everybody else! I would think you would have to ask for an epi! In my experience (lol :lol: ) they generally offer the pethedine/diamorphine but not usually ask if you like an epidural! I even had it wrote all over my birth notes as the consultant recommended me have one and I still had to ask them about it hahaha Even when I was having Joseph my first and had to have the drip to speed things up they didnt even mention and epi!
You have what you want and nothing else hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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