Back from first doctors appointment!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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According to her my due date is the 10th of July and I am actually 5 weeks pregnant not 4 weeks 5 days and due on the 13th (ok, so only a couple of days different but still exciting!)

All signed up for maternity care so should be hearing from a midwife very soon!

:cheer: :cheer: Great news!!
We r due date buddies!! :cheer: well things might change after having my first scan.
I'm so excited for you :hug:
Me too!!!!

I think it all changes at the scan doesn't it! Dont know exactly how they work it out but we're obvously going to be close together!
At the scan they know exactly the age of the fetus by it's size i guess. and from that they calculate the exact EDD. our calculations are off slightly as we don't know exactly the date we've conceived. and as some of us have irregular periods..etc we can't determine it ourselves but hey it's all getting more exciting! it's nice to have your EDD pulled earlier :cheer:
I know it seems stupid as it's only 3 days different but it's so cool that it's that bit closer!!!!
Oooooh 3 days difference? Yay! :cheer:

When I conceived my son, had no idea when LMP was as I hadn't had one since having my coil removed, so they calculated the due date from the removal date, which gave me 23rd June. First scan put me back 2 weeks to 7th July (which is when he was actually born)! :shock: Personally, I think he was just small to start off with, but sure caught up later as he was 9lb 4oz born! I reckon he was actually 2 weeks late as he was dry when he was born instead of covered in the white stuff, and I had problems with some retained placenta. :puke:

Thing is, babies tend to make an appearance when they're ready. :lol:
He he he - that's exactly what my mum said this evening - due dates are lovely as a guideline but babies appear whenever they feel like it!!!!

Over 9lb???? You're a trooper!!!
I'm quite confused about how to work out how far along I am now! MW called me tonight to arrange my appointment and took a few details and then said 'ok your tentative (sp?) due date is 11th July'. This is fine but when I put these details into my ticker on babygaga it says 5 weeks pregnant but other things say 4 weeks and 6 days. How do I work it out?
Good news about your appointment, always good when its put ahead :hug: :hug:
Well this is what I dont quite get. Apparently, according to my ticker, I am 4 weeks 5 days - which puts me at 13th july but doctor says 5 weeks which puts me at 10th July (I think there's a maths problem there - there were 7 days in a week last time I checked!)

It's all very exciting!
Think I will just leave ticker as it is, this is what comes up when I put due date of 11th July in. Will change it after 12 week scan when due date is given :hug:
He he he - I've changed my ticker to new due date and now apparently I'm 1 day ahead of you....


PS - Andy's brother says it would be cool if the baby was 6 days early so it could be...


Yes they are all as bad as eachother - what on earth have I married into!
babyblonde said:
He he he - I've changed my ticker to new due date and now apparently I'm 1 day ahead of you....


PS - Andy's brother says it would be cool if the baby was 6 days early so it could be...


Yes they are all as bad as eachother - what on earth have I married into!

:shakehead: :shakehead: One of the men were bound to say this at some point eh! :lol:

How did your doc work out your due date hun? My MW asked me for 1st day of last period and length of cycle :hug:
Mine only asked when last period was - which may be why there is a difference!

Oh well, if that's what she says I'm sticking to it!
Mind you - she has asked me how long my cycles were before so perhaps she already had that info?
The day difference may be due to time differences - some of the tickers are based in the US. Need to set time to GMT ;)
Ah right! Have looked on babygaga and cant see anywhere to change the time so will just have to leave it as it is :hug:
OH MY WORD!!!! Maldives.... ive just logged on to have a nosey, since i ant been on in AGESSSSS and my jaw just literally hit the floor when i saw this post by you!!!!!!!

WOWZERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

congrats babe!!! hows your other little babe.... time flys dosnt it??? Chloes 4 mth 1wk now! :shock:

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