

Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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were given a babywalker last week. after a few days of going backwards and just bouncing about in it Alex has finally figured out forwards!!!!

his little face a a picture when he spots something that needs investigation! his eyes fix on it and he gets this determined look on his face while he tries to get there!

so far my plant, the tv, the coffee table and phone have all taken a battering! also we have a 2 foot high wooden camel thing with a bendy wire coil neck (dont ask!) thats in the hall way. yesterday he grabbed its neck into a headlock and began bashing its head ito the tray of the walker :lol: think i may have a wrestler on my hands!!!


babies amaze you dont they. i just love to watch as they learn new things. It must be wonderful to see through a babies eyes.


Ella's always after the dog food - be it a box or bag of Bakers (not the wet stuff, don't worry!).

She's like a crab in it though :rotfl:

Its no fair i want one of those for Kiara but they are banned here :( cuz stupid moms werent putting baby gates up and babies were aflling downstairs ect ... real stupid if you ask me its not like everyone did that
That must be so annoying katrina - what next - ban kettles cos some people leave them near the edge where kids can get them?

i know our hvs books say they dont recommend them as they cause loads of accidents - er hello? the baby walkers dont cause the accidents, lthe parents do! if you leave a child in a walker in a room with a step or stairs then whos fault is that!

sorry pet hate - the world is ruined by everyone pandering to the dense people who cant fihure it out for themselves!

Damien loves his walker, it's a Chicco one with space ship noises and flashy lights, the tune is going off in my head constantly! He loves trying to dart about in it, usually after what I'm eating or drinking :lol:
Em78 said:
That must be so annoying katrina - what next - ban kettles cos some people leave them near the edge where kids can get them?

i know our hvs books say they dont recommend them as they cause loads of accidents - er hello? the baby walkers dont cause the accidents, lthe parents do! if you leave a child in a walker in a room with a step or stairs then whos fault is that!

sorry pet hate - the world is ruined by everyone pandering to the dense people who cant fihure it out for themselves!


I thought they weren't recommended because of the way baby stands in them :? Sami didn't you have some info on this?

I personally think that whilst it is good HV warn us we also need to use commen sense. For example bumbos are meant to cause problems with baby's but that is only if they are left to sit there for hours, same as walkers. I think the majority of us 8nderstand moderation so they should not be banned.
yeah it's especially applicable to Damien as he was prem BUT he is the right weight and size for a full termer his age. he doesn't go in it long, maybe 10 minutes at a time. he loves to be on his feet and isn't interested in crawling, but this means it is especially important I encourage him to try and crawl and not walk before he is supposed to or able to (if you know I mean?)

Waffled sorry. :lol:
Sami said:
Damien loves his walker, it's a Chicco one with space ship noises and flashy lights, the tune is going off in my head constantly! He loves trying to dart about in it, usually after what I'm eating or drinking :lol:

Hi Sami we took the batteries out in the end! But if you put some black sticky tape over the speaker holes its less noisy :wink:

You're not stupid but obviously make sure the tape doesn't come off and end up getting chewed!

Lou :)
Isaac this morning....


His auntie Tic and uncle David bought it for him at the weekend.

Lou :)
Beanie said:

thought they weren't recommended because of the way baby stands in them Sami didn't you have some info on this?

i heard this too but was just going by what my little red HVs book says:


doesnt mention development at all :?

funny in that link they say about how they are neither sitting or standing in a walker, alex loves to stand bolt upright in his - he does that better than he moves about! he stands really well with support and he uses the walker to balance himself. :lol:

as you say Beanie so many things can cause development problems used in the wrong way. once alex starts crawling i wont use the walker, same as now he sits on his own i hardly ever use the bumbo.
Ella's bum is to big for her bumbo and she just tried to tip herself out when I put her in. Waste of money!! She only used it occasionally for a few weeks!
i never used a bumbo for Dior as i thought they were pricy and dont look much fun, was going to try one with harl... would you recomend?
They have their good points in that she could sit up in it and didn't have to lie down all the time, but she soon grew out of it.

We might be in the minority though. Personally I prefer her play ring, but then she can sit up in it better now :?

They are quite expensive and they're like stocks for babies :lol: If I didn't have one and I knew what I know now then I wouldn't buy one again if that makes sense?

But that's just my opinion :D
have loved our bumbo. used it loads too. ithink its one of thse things that you dont know how much you will use till you try. my friends lo hates hers, alex loves his :wink:

Dionne do you know anyone who has one that you could try harley in? i'd say get one as soon as they can hold head up and are about 3 months so you get the max use out of it. alex is just getting to the point where he wont fit in it for long (kina its his legs rather than bum! they are like tree trunks :lol: )

You could try my Bumbo when you come over Dionne, Damien's legs are far too fat for it now, he only could use it for a few weeks as he just got stuck and started to throw himself out the back. they are good idea, a bit pricey, but if you have the money to spend I think they are good.
I wish I'd never got one. I thought they looked fab but Brody hates it. Very early on he learned if he leaned back he could pop himself right out of it.
I never thought a baby could get out...they look so safe, but I can't put him in it at all now, he doesn't last 10 seconds. :(
Glad I am not the only one, but bad that we all don't get on with them.

Ella's legs start going purple now!

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