baby's position


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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Can everyone tell me when their LO turned to the head down position (if they have already)
My Midwife said mine is breech (which I knew from all the kicks on my cervix) I wasnt worried as I knew there was plenty of time for it to turn, but then she started discussing birthing options for breech babies etc, and that scared me a little :shock:
sometime between the 28 and 31 week appointments.

29 weeks i a little early to worry about it so i am surprised your midwife has mentioned it already.


I have a breech baby. Like you, I was told about options for birth at around 28wks but the obstetrician said that there was plenty of time to turn. At my last MW appointment (34wk), the baby was still breech but my MW said that there was still time to turn but it was getting more concerning now. I will have another check at 36wk and if the baby is still the wrong way, I'll have a scan soon after (I have a fibroid growth which may be restricting the baby from turning). If they don't think that the baby will turn naturally, then we will go through the options again. I'm still hoping that she'll turn as I have had friends that were breech until about 36wks and their LOs turned for delivery.

I'm not sure that helps much but hopefully, your LO will turn soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
At my 27 week appointment mw said baby was breech and if she was at next appointment would book a scan for me. At 31 week baby was head down but got told they can still move around.
HideiLu's little boy (Jacques) is breech too... I know there is a chance that they'll change positions. Evie was in a perfect position until she went back to back, but the MW said there is every chance she could change positions in the next 7 weeks.

Apparently, they aren't too concerned about the position until 36 weeks when there is less chance (and room!) for baby to move.

My brother was transverse (sideways) even when she was in labour! But he just slipped nicely into place just before they were going to offer a C-Section, so I wouldn't worry babe :hug: xxx
As Dannii said above, my little man is still sitting upright in breech position.

Went for first 4d scan at 27 weeks and his head was to the right, then went again at 30 weeks to try for better pictures, he had flipped right over to the other side and was sitting to the left!

Had GP appointment 2 weeks ago and he was still there but doc expressed no concern. Seeing MW on Friday so guess they'll check again, but not going to worry myself until later on as he can still fidgit himself into a headstand! :pray:
was at the midwifes yesterday and she informed us that the baby is head down already, but it could easily still turn the other way in the next few weeks so we just have to hope the LO stays where he is.

Heres hoping, really dont want a section if possible. :pray:
My bubs has been head down for the since week 26 or so - DR said then it could still turn but at my last apt there it was still head down and now is app too big (ouch) to turn now but mostly they aren't too worried until the last few weeks or so
Sophie has been head down since about 27/28 weeks. went to the MW yesterday and she is now back to back, grrr going to try and move her before labour starts! :pray:
Baby has been head down since scan at 21 weeks (well she could move to different possition inbetween but at every appointment she has been head down since then I hoping she stays that way but would not be suprised at all if when it maters she decides to change! :roll: :lol:
Thanks ladies for all your replies, I feel more positive now that my LO will turn before the big day :lol:

Glad you posted this thread as my little bubs is also breech at the moment. I've got my gym ball out, it's supposed to help get baby in the right position.

Lets hope our babies change positions in time :D

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