Babys movements


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Feb 19, 2007
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Has anyone started to feel any movements yet? im 15 weeks and havent really felt anything and wondered when you start to feel the first movements?

i was about 22 weeks with my first and 19 weeks with my second
I've been reading up about this as this my first baby and I can't wait to feel that first flutter. The books generally say we should be able to feel something between 18 and 21 weeks I'm hoping it'll be the sooner rather than later. :D
I know how you feel this is my first too, I feel anxious all the time I cant wait to attend my 20 week scan now just to see the baby again! im due to have my tripple test done in a week and a bit worried over that!
i felt faint flutters from 16weeks. this is my first. think i got some kicks at about 18weeks.
This is my first pregnancy and I didn't feel the 'proper kicks' until I was 21 weeks, and OH still hasn't felt him kick, but had movements which I'd describe as like bubbles, from about 17weeks :cheer:
i got mine about..... 20 weeks i think

but there just getting stonger and i can see them now :dance:
I felt mine from about 16 weeks properly. Now i get somersaults and kicks and i can see the kicks too. My poor husband doesnt get to feel all the action cuz every time the baby kicks and he puts his hand on my tummy, it stops kicking. Its like its teasing his daddy. He did feel him kick the other day mind, he was quite overwhelmed by it all. Bless.

I felt mine at 19 weeks with my first and 13 weeks with this one
I first felt bubbles at 14weeks and 6days. I have felt a flutter but was layid wierd on bed so not sure if it was baby or not. you can feel bubbles or flutters so u may of already felt baby move already without knowing :p

i keep feeling bbay kick or punch every now and then not sure which its doing :lol: :wall:

Ive also felt the kicks i presume from outside my belly too. Cause pic of my baby i keep getting told mby my fiances mother that her mate said the babys gonna be a big one :lol: I know babys are this big at this time but im already expecting to have a 8llb or 9llb baby. I was almost 8llb think i was 7 1/2 and my bro, fiance and his bro was 711llb :lol:
I felt bubbles popping at 16 weeks and then proper kicks at 21 weeks, Now my baby will not keep still and the kicks are very hard.
i started proporly feeling things @ 18 week nerly 19 weeks! its a strange feeling but i know he/she is allright in there im just waiting for the hard kicks now!

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