Baby's Gender


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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When do you find out what gender the baby is going to be? Is it the first scan @ 12 weeks? My boyfriend wants to wait until the birth to find out, but I really wanna know now :wink: Are there any ways to tell whether you're likely to have a boy or a girl based on the symptoms you experience in the early stages or are they just old wives tales?

Ally xXx
Hi Ally,

I'm no expert but I think its mostly old wives tales.

And with regards to when the scan will tell, its the 20 week scan hun - and only if baby is sitting in the correct position.

I hope that helps.

It's your 20 week scan when you cn find out - all depending on babys position etc.

My OH doesn't want to find out either but I want to, but hey ho!
Hey hun,

Im having exactly the same problem as you, I wanna no but bf doesnt!! LOL dont think they realise how hard it is to not know whats in your tummy.

You find out at the 20 week scan.

There isnt really anyway to tell I dont think. Old tales point me both ways so im well confused although Im sure Im having a boy lol xxxx
20 week that feels like ages away! :lol: I'm not sure I could just not know the sex of the baby until the birth lol!
The Old Wives Tales are fun, but not to be taken seriously - saying that from what they said I should be having a boy - and well the rest you can see from my ticker!!

Its a personal thing whether you find out or not, both my and DH wanted to know........for us we could be prepared and it was fantastic to go shopping after the 20 week scan and buy little blue outfits :D

We also refer to him by his name now too, rather than tiglet which is what he was affectionally known as before!!
Last pregnancy I wanted to find out but the wee bugger wouldn't let us (she's still awkward to this day!) but IO can honestly say the whole birth experince was even more exciting than I think it would have been if we had known the sex, because as well as getting to meet your LO for the first time you finlly get to find out if you have a son or daughter!
Vicki83 said:
Last pregnancy I wanted to find out but the wee bugger wouldn't let us (she's still awkward to this day!) but IO can honestly say the whole birth experince was even more exciting than I think it would have been if we had known the sex, because as well as getting to meet your LO for the first time you finlly get to find out if you have a son or daughter!

Yeah I imagine it is Vicki!!! You know what I was like when i was pregnant with Zac, I had to have a 4D scan JUST to find out what sex he was :rotfl:
Im going to ask to find out what sex the baby is at my 20 week scan but im having a 4D scan at 28 weeks aswell so going to ask them to double check incase they get it wrong! lol
I haven't found out with either of mine, for me it's like peeking at your Christmas presents before Christmas - although it's a surprise whenever you find out I prefer to wait. Plus I loved the fact that last time it was my OH who told me we had a son, not a stranger in a hospital room.

It's a totally personal thing whether you choose to find out or not.

Old wives tales are fun but you have to take everything with a pinch of salt! Don't go buying blue because the heartbeat's under 140bpm or your legs are hairier than normal... :D
With DS we didnt find out and at each scan he wouldnt reveal what sex he was so it was a nice suprise when he was born we found out with DD and i admit it was nice knowing we were going to have one of each but this time ive no idea tbh hubby really wants a boy and me a girl :lol: but at the end of the day as long as bubs is healthy we dont mind either way :)
I think there are alot of old wives tales around. When I had my daughter a few years back two midwives both tried to predict her sex by the speed of the heartbeat at one of my checks. I didn't ask's like they got a buzz out of trying to work it even the professionals struggle to know! For the record one midwife was right and one was wrong!!

Even more worrying was at the birth...(my instinct told me it was a girl...for some reason I homed in on pink sleepsuits etc when I was buying stuff and I was very casual about my choice of boys names but very serious about my choice of girls names)...someone said 'It's a boy!!'....and I felt gutted and weirded out because I was convinced I was having a girl...and then they said 'oops's actually a girl!!" The announcer was male of can you get that one wrong? haha

Both me n my husband have chosen to keep the sex of this baby a surprise...although I have a secret desire to find out.

kia606 xxx
Last time we found out Taylor was a boy, we was living at my mums and found it easier to buy clothes and pick his name. This time round we are not finding out were not bothered aslong as he/she is healthy, i think its a boy my oh a girl. We have a three bedroom house,the space etc so circumstances are totally different this time round, nobody even knows im pregnant yet lol x x

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