Baby's 1st hols?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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We just booked a caravan in Cornwall for this summer and Fin's 1st hols. Don't fancy flying with him yet! Where are you taking you LO's this year?
aww thats fab we wanted 2 take keryn abroad this year but cant afford it lol so weve booked 2 go 2 haggerston castle on 10th of septmber for a week shell b over a year old so it should be fun

luv lou n keryn xxx
Louise0410 said:
aww thats fab we wanted 2 take keryn abroad this year but cant afford it lol so weve booked 2 go 2 haggerston castle on 10th of septmber for a week shell b over a year old so it should be fun

luv lou n keryn xxx

Oh Louise, you shoulda booked to come here for a week instead :wink:
We have booked a cottage in Scotland in July! I'm not brave enough to take him on a plane yet! Plus can't afford to anyway! :lol:
Only going to see my mum, shes in Scarborough ( were going to scarborough fair.............) :lol:

I wouldnt like to fly myself let alone take Olivia on a plane, I like to keep it local :lol:
We are off to spain for a week. LEaving on 4th May. Am so excited and cant wait. Bit worried about the plane but sure it will be fine.

Hannah X
we are going to haven next week yay! we were hoping to go to puerto rico in june but i still think it will be too hot for alfie so we will probably book it last minute and go in september for his birthday :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Where going to Butlins in Skeg on the 21st of May!

We too didnt fancy taking Olivia abroad yet
Here is where we have been with Kai since he was born

June 2006 - Kai was around 5 months and went to England for just over 3 weeks. 2 8 hour flights both ways

August 2006 - Kai was just over 7 months and we went to New York for 4 days. Just an hour flight from here

November/December 2006 - Kai was around 10 and a half months and we went to Madrid for 1 week and then to England for another week. 2 10 hour flights (plane had to stop for 2 hours both ways) and then the flight to Madrid from Gatwick which was 2 hours both ways.

February/March 2007 - Went to England for just over 3 weeks. Kai just over 13 months

April/May 2007 - Going to Chile/Argentina to see Kai's family on his daddy's side for about 2 and a half weeks. We leave here on Thursday at around midnight and have a 10 and a half hour flight, get to Santiago at 10.30 and then have to wait around until 4 for the connecting flight to Mendoza but at least that is only 50 minutes. So a very long day for us, not looking forward to it.

IMO it is a lot easier travelling with them when they are smaller than when they get more mobile.
We are going to Bude for 3 nights in a caravan in a few weeks time (one of those £9.50 pp Sun holidays) and then we are flying to France in September (staying not far from Nice and again in a caravan). We are going on both holidays with our two friends and their little boy. I can't wait. We usually go somewhere hot like Cyprus but I didn't really want to take Jake somewhere that hot yet. I have looked and the place we are going in France is still going to be lovely and warm but not scorching. Anyway I hope you have a lovely time :D
I am terrified of flying so not planning of flying anywhere anytime soon!!! We went to Scotland last week for our first holiday as a family...OH parent and his sis and her OH were with us so it was nice to all be together and have some extra pairs of hands!!!!

Enjoyed every second, and Ruby was so well behaved, I am so proud of her!!!! Posted some piccies earlier if you are intrested...... ... hp?t=32649

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