Babybond gender scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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A quiet afternoon at work left me researching gender scans. Wondered if anyone has been to a babybond clinic and have any advice? It's my birthday soon and I think I found the most perfect present from baby's daddy! Also do u think it's too early at 16 weeks for the 4d scan they offer? Thanks xxx
I had a look on the baby bond website as I was looking to book a private scan and read that they don't recommend 4D scans until after 26 weeks. You are best to wait until baby is further developed, they also won't guarantee that you get a 4D picture as it depends where baby is lying etc x
Oh, I never looked properly at their web site. I'm not overly bothered about 4d scan, more want to know the gender early! I'm impatient!!! Xx
I had an early scan at baby bond and as mrswoody says they didnt recommend a 4d until 26 weeks, my niece had one earlier and tbh the pics weren't great x
I used baby bond for my early scan and they were lovely. Room was spacious with a large plasma screen so you could see baby so clearly. Not sure if that would be too early or not for your gender scan, I'd imagine it would be fine but just give them a call. Really nice staff and would recommend xx
Thank you. I'm totally wondering if I should just wait then?! Unless anyone knows of anywhere else? Xx
Im having a gender scan in 2 days with babybond it says they do a 4dfreeview at the gender scan xx
Will you let me know how you get on then? I'm really so impatient. I'm annoying! If there's a way to know the sex earlier then I will take it! Ha! Do they say how accurate the sex is at 16 weeks? Xx
Hi hun, sorry to barge in :) I had a gender scan at 16 weeks as well (at Babybond), because I was also impatient, and it was amazing. The rooms are huge, the lady doing the scan seemed like she had all the time in the world for me, and she was easily able to tell the gender for me, she did flip it to 4d, but I didn't like it, be as Jacob didn't have much fat on him at that point and looked a bit funny, but the whole experience was lovely and I will definitely do it again if I have another baby :)xx

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Aww wow thanks KirstyL! I really would love to know sooner what we are having! My oh isn't convinced! He wants to know but says we should just wait until 20 weeks! I've al Ready done 12 weeks, what's another 8 he says! Did you pay £79 (if you don't mind me asking?) xx
Haha, these men don't understand the impatience! Yeah I think it was £79, I can't remember tbh, Jacob is almost 9 months now so it was a while ago! It's well worth the money though, or I thought so :)x

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I know! If I hear him say once more "12 weeks have passed so quick!" eh, no they haven't! Ha! Thank you, I really want to know so after my dating scan if all is ok (fx) I think I will book! It's sooooo exciting! Xx
Hi there I had a gender scan at 15+5days and they told me with no probs it was a girl! It was amazing! I would recomend it to anyone as I bonded even more with my bub knowing the sex and seeing her cute little face! X
I think I'm going to do it and get a proper 4d at 27 weeks. I know it's a lot of money but I really can't wait! Once in a life time thing to do! Will book after my dating scan, keep hoping they don't put me back a week like I suspect they will! I've already done this week! Lol! Xx

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