Baby starting to wake up for feeds after sleeping through!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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I am starting to wean my LO, I have been giving her 2 small meals a day of baby rice mixed with fruit or veg. I was really surprised a week ago when she started waking through the night for a bottle again. She has been taking exactly the same amount of milk as normal so it doesnt make sense to me. She was at the time on SMA Gold so 3 days ago (after 4 nights of her waking for food) I switched to SMA White and as far as I can see its made not a blind bit of difference! If anything she is waking earlier in the night for a feed and then early in the morning for a bottle. Anyone got any suggestions of what to do? Or has anyone else had this happen with their LO? My girl is 18 weeks old so dont know if she might be having a growth spurt or something? I am back at work in a fortnight and I am knackered!! Sorry its a long post.
when i started weaning jack it took about a week til it affected his sleep. i would keep doing what your doing and wait a few days to see what happens.
sma white is absoloutely rubbish, it made no difference to Alfie at all except he was constipated.
Do what Kel said because it does take a while to work into their system, if still no joy then just up the quantity a little bit more, a couple more spoons, or a puddin (just 1 or 2 spoons at first)

:hug: hope your little one starts sleeping soundly again soon!
Hi Jen,

It sounds a bit like Nicola to me - I started to wean her 2 weeks ago and within the last week or so she seems to want an extra bottle at a bout 11 pm despite being on 2 solid meals a day. Except she was fine when she was just on bottles. I am going to put on 3 meals a day today and see what happens tonight. It just seem strange doesn't it cos I thought the solids would fill her out more yet since she has been on them she wakes up and when she wasn't she didn't LOL :wall:
After a week of her waking up for feeds she has slept through (fingers crossed!) the last few nights. So I think upping her food to 3 meals a day has done it, she is a hungry girl! Definately seems to take time for it to get into their systems though. I am well pleased :)

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