baby sign


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hi ya i have heard about baby signing and it sounds really good i was just wondering if ne of u guys have ne experiance of it, and when the baby should start, also how do i find out about it ?
Yea, I saw a programme on it on a channel called babychannel! Lol!!

Basically, it follows the british sign language, just some signs are modifies when they are too difficult for a baby to reproduce, and you link each sign to an object or a notion, so for eg, when you ask your baby if they want milk, you do the sign for milk at the same time (sign is you pretend to squeeze something with one hand, as if you were milking a cow! :lol: )

They showed a baby boy do it, and it was really nice to see!Impressive!! They say to start when baby is 6month old, and be patient as not every child will respond quickly to it, but eventually they will reproduce the signs, and that is before they actually speak.
The parents in the programme explained that their son now recognises 6 different signs, and the first one he reproduced was the sign for "more", which is great coz it's not an object, but a notion, so it showed how well he had understood what "more" meant!

Sarah, if you are interested, maybe you should ask your HV as there might be some courses or meetings in your area.
Since I have seen this programme, I have started myself, but have not studied the bristish signs language, so I am just creating my own signs.
They say it is really helpful for babies that you want to become bilingual, and we are gonna try for Maheen to be at least trilingual (French, Urdu and English!), so I'll go for whatever can help her! :wink:

Hope this helps a bit,
And sorry if my explainations are a bit blurry, my mind is at the moment...don't know why...Maheen is sleeping better so me as well, but maybe this is why! My body is not used to sleep anymore!!! :roll:

Mel xx
We have a baby sign class round the corner from us every friday, I have been a couple of times and it's really good fun. You learn 6 words each week and they use them in songs and you basically sing and sign with your baby for an hour. It's a lot to take in though and I think Charlie is slighty bewildered by it all but I would definately give it a go and see what you think, see below for info:

Their is one near me to but i found its really expensive, £4 for just the hour.
Does not seem to be anything around me :(

mel xx
It's £4.25 for the hour near me too. Sounds good though, I'd love to something like this with Damien.
there isnt one by me either bugger, i really wanted to do that, as i dont get to meet other babies as i to shy to go to mother and baby n the 1 i did go to was against young mums the evil looks i got were quite funny :twisted:
Sarah dont you just hate that? give them evils back lol

Vicky is the sign class near ours at the sure start centre?i quite fancy that although £4 is quite expensive
I get that too Sarah but I'm that fed up with it I tend to say 'yes, did you want something' to get rid of the nosy sods. Drives me up the wall :twisted:

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