Baby refusing feeds. Colic??


May 29, 2006
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My little one is 15 weeks and I reluctantly gave up breastfeeding at 13 weeks as he was just in agony crying and contorting his little body. I changed my diet again and again but nothing seemed to stop it. When I changed to the bottle he seemed instantly calmer. However, he seemed to not get enough milk from the number 2 avent teat as when I breastfed I would power hose the poor lad usually ( and get anyone within a 3 foot radius!) so we changed to the variable teats. This let him drink enough but then he started refusing that as he was in agony with wind again, bottom burps as well.
I spoke to a friend who had the same problem and it seems that my breast was giving him colic as he got the milk too fast but I cannot find a teat that works...
Feed times are becoming hell, he is on the number 3 teat now and on Easy Digest formula (and I have Colief drops at the ready) but he either only takes 2 oz and then shakes his head and refuses more or he takes about 6 oz and it takes 35 mins of wiggling the bottle in his mouth to get his attention again.
Does anyone else relate to this as it is not a huge problem but is driving me insane.
Also, because he does not feed well during the day he wakes starving in the night. Recently he has been refusing the 7am feed so I have been trying not to feed him in the night so he eats well at breakfast but he does not appreciate this and I am exhausted from being up trying to settle him with water, dummies, cuddles etc.

My toddler was an ideal baby- I was spoilt and now my newborn is making me pay!

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

I would be very grateful for any advice, particularly as I am not a regular on here.
ooops, it did not tell me that it had posted successfully, hence there are 3 posts! sorry.
Does he arch his back when feedling!?

Has he ever been a sicky baby? What does his sick smell of?

Do you ever see him choke on what appears to be nothing?

Apart from that hun, look up reflux and silent reflux on line and have a look thru the info.

My DS and a few others have suffered awfully with it, so we have lots of advice if thats what you think it may be. If not atleast it rulled that out.

It could be colic I guess, do you wind after every OZ?
Yes, Yes and Yes.
He was a sicky baby, particularly when I breast fed him- sometimes projected down my back and onto the headboard of the bed!
He does often sound like he is choking and when I run over he is fine.
His sick smelt like sick, if that makes sense. Which I thought baby sick was not supposed to.
and yes he used to arch his back feeding. Will do the research- thanks very much for your post.
I'd look up on reflux not colic. There are threads on this on this forum. Also go see your GP and ask about something you can give him in his feed etc so as to help if it is reflux. Put it this way, having it to try cannot hurt and if it makes feeding better for him then you probably have your answer and can continue.

Colic usually starts around 3-4 weeks and passes at around 12 weeks in breastfed babies. Babies gut has matured then and colic passes natually, so I'd not think your LO has colic this late on now.

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