baby names - the shortlist


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Ok...progress is being made..After 6 months of trawling books and websites, scanning all tv/film credits, adding'mackenzie' onto the name of any new person who I meet....we are starting to get abit of a short list...middle names are not defo, just the ones that I think sounds best with the first names but can be mixed and matched...any thoughts???

Alexander George Mackenzie
Leo Robert Mackenzie
Joseph (middle name tbc) Mackenzie

Maya Ellen Mackenzie
Caitlin Alice Mackenzie
Hannah Rose Mackenzie
Agree with Lea, those are my 2 faves. Have always loved Caitlin, but already have one in the family on DH's side !! xx
I'd love Alice as a first name, but it's lovely as a middle name too. My favourite from your pink list is Hannah, though I'd go with either Alice or Ellen as middle names.

From your blue list I like all names, but would go with Joseph (maybe Joseph Alexander?) if his nickname would be Joey - as I LOVE LOVE Joey! However if you were to stick with Joseph, I'd prefer Alexander George, which is gorgeous too!
My brother is George-Joseph & it is a really nice name!!

I am not fond of Caitlin as a girl on 16 & pregnant is called that..

Maya-Rose would be by pick!!

Good Luck :)

I like caitlyn and tyler in 16&pregnant Emma lol
Maya Mackenzie sounds ace, are there any boys names that begin with m that you like? It'd go so well with your surname xx
oh i agree with girly2007! Usually I'd prefer Hannah over Maya, but she's right - Maya Mackenzie sounds really cool!
Ha ha thanks everyone.

We liked Caitlin from quite early on but I am increasingly warming towards Maya. I want a couple of options incase when they are born their name doesn't suit them.

I also like Alice but it's my cousins name so can't really nab that for a first name

Boys names - It probably would be Joey as a nickname but I like to have the option of formal and informal names hence Joseph rather than actually the name being Joey and same for Alexander - would be Alex. At the minute my fav of those is Leo although clearly no-one else agrees with me :)

I'll change my mind again soon though i bet :)

I agree with you. I would choose Leo from your boys names and Maya or Hannah for a girl :)
They are all really beautiful names. I will admit that when I started reading I thought, 'Blue Mackenzie' and then when I saw the pink I realised! I'm getting worse by the day lol!

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