Baby monitors


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I have no idea which one to buy...
what do you guys have and how good are they?
We've just got a simple Tomy walkabout monitor. Its fine, one unit stays in Jamie's room & the other you can carry about with you. Theres a mute setting, the lights fash if there is noise, different volumes settings & thats it. We don't live in a mansion (unfortunatley!!) so its all we need really. We didn't see the point of having one of these all singing & dancing monitors, guess its down to personal preference & how much you want to spend.
Here's ours: ... 1&mcb=core

Like Nicki said were not in a mansion either so ones with cameras and music etc were just not of interest to us and seemed like a waste of money, baby's room is next to ours anyway although the first few months we have a moses basket in our bedroom so again anything flash just not needed.
we use the BT Digital Baby Monitor Plus, we did use to have a tony one but, currently we live with my parents and they live in a large old cottage, so in the summer the rooms would get sooo hot like 30degrees and the temp alarm would aways go off and you couldnt turn it off. Also the range wasnt great, and wouldnt reach all the rooms.
We went for the BT digital, as it has a temp range and you can set the ranges, and turn the alarm off if needed. Also it has 5 lullabys, and these are really handy as Leah drifts off to sleep during the night listening to them.

Hope this helped
I use the tommee tippee with breathing sensor mat and i love it, its never gone off accidentally *touchwood* so far..and I found it such a releif when he moved into his own room to be able to look at it and see the green light flashing that he was breathing :) and also he is like Alan he sleep VERY still and quiet so it was really good to have instead of having to give him a wee prod to make sure he was still ok lol..
we got a portable camera one from aldi £60 it is the best thing we have brought. we can see exactly what hes doing, hear him breathing and see him breathing. i couldnt live without it.
we've got the BT digital one too, it's good. I'd love a camera one though as I'm so nosey and always wonder what she's doing, (I've woken her up so many time going in to have a peek). Have'nt found any in our price range though.
I wanted Boots camera monitor one, it was around £100 so did buy it but asked work for Boots vouchers when I left on maternity leave....on m last day they actually had enough in the collection to but it for me, I was delighted.

It is really fantastic, there is a camera which is infa red so when Ruby is in her nursery from 6pm, we can watch and hear her on the tv monitor downstairs in the evening and from our bedroom in the night. We do spend ages just watching her though, its better than normal TV some nights!! :rotfl:

Its pricey, but have seen them cheaper on E Bay, or ask for Boots vouchers as baby gifts to put towards one, Boots have a good selection of monitors
the tixylix one that Kelly linked to is the one we have, my mum bought it for us, otherwise i wouldnt have a clue what to get. we tested it today and it works perfectly picking up the slightest of noise.
We dont really need one as we are only in a one bedrrom flat and the living room is right next to the bedroom, but its always better to be safe than sorry. :D
I think I got a grobag egg for like £15?
But now theres no need tbh with my baby moniotrs oh well its a cool thing lol

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