baby lessons - breathing etc


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Can anyone advise what week we can start going to the baby lessons? no-one had mentioned them to me at the hopsital or at my GPs.. i've heard thy can be a great help... they show the usual... changing a nappy, burping the baby, bathing, feeding etc... but they also help you with breathing during labour! there is also a visit to the hospital for a nosy around!

anyone else going to them! or did anyone else go to them with a previous pregnancy? are they beneficial?

i had mine at about 33 weeks i think, i found it useless tho lol, ask ur MW boout it
Hayley I went on my first parent craft class on Thursday, this one was all about labour and how to spot the signs etc, next week it is about pain relief in labour and breathing techniques etc. I must admit I knew alot about them from ust being on this forum but it was nice to find out info about the hospital etc. My m/w told me about them and advised that I didn'tgo until I was 33 weeks, however there was one girl who had another 13 weeks to go so she had obvioulsy gone earlier. I am planning on going to visit the hopsital when I finish work on maternity leave. The trips are weekly and last about 2 hours. I ams ure your m/w will tell you more nearer to the time, unless you ask specifically at your next visit!!

I found the classes unhelpfull but I enjoyed the hospital visit. I found my yoga breathing techniques to be more help so if you can get a good yoga book or one for beginners thats covers breathing then that might help.

Once you have your baby the mw on the ward will bath your baby with you the first time and help with the nappies and anything you arent sure of.

Its one of these things that you can watch someone doing at a class or on telly but till you are 'hands on' you dont really feel reassured that its a piece of piss and not scary.
mine start in may, my midwife just gave me a leaflet in my pack at 12 weeks, so I'll be about 30 weeks i think. xxxx
I was told about our local parent craft classes at my booking in appointment because they get booked up very quickly I was told.

I've done a lot of reading and still am, plus other peoples experiences on this forum/friends etc is probably just as useful if not more.

I wasn't too fussed about attending but my DH wanted to, we're going in Mid May for 3 sessions on a Saturday afternoon.

If your midwife hasn't mentioned it by now, it's probably best that you ask them about it so that you can get yourself booked in.
My Parentcraft classes were crap, told us about labour and pain releif over 2 hour sessions and that was it. Nothing about changing a baby, winding, feeding or anything. Seemed like we were expected to just know!! :shock: I did but OH didn't and he would have appreciated some guidance from the m/w's.
We were automatically booked into them and was just sent a letter in the post when to attend. Most of the mums only had about 6-8 weeks to go, and one twin woman who wasn't due for about 2-3 months (but was obviously expected to go alot earlier). I think I had about 10 weeks to go but was booked in with them because I was high risk of nto gettign to term.
I'd ask your midwife about the classes.
iv never even heard of these classes, never had any with Dior.. :think:

i feel sorry for first time mums that have no experience with Babies as they are kust expected to no, i was lucky my mum had a baby when i was 17 so i knew every thing there was to no being the oldest of 5 children
thanks for your replies... i think a lot of it comes naturally! i've got my books and i've been reading up! but I think the best way to learn is with your baby! i would like to go on a hospital visit thou and try some breathing excercises...

Yeah, I think the hospital visit will be useful so you know what to expect when you go.

But I think the practical elements on feeding/changing etc will help too. They show you that after you've had the baby, so it's not too drastic if you miss the ante natal classes.
I was thinking about the parentcraft classes last night and thought I would give the clinic a call tomorrow.

I am interested in the breathing especially, I do have a Yoga for pregnancy vid and am hoping to start next week if Im ok at my 2nd pre term scan tomorrow


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