Baby hip scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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not sure if all areas are the same but here when you are in hospital after giving birth all babies have hip scans.

i got a letter through the post and i have to take Harley to hospial in the morning to see the specialist as he was not happy with his first scan.

hope every things ok.

any one else had this?
Yes my daughter was breech so she had a hip scan at five weeks old. it was an ultrasound and pretty straight forward, it didnt upset her or anything like that. On her scan they found an issue with her left hip and we have been refered to another hospital to attend a hip clinic, on the 12th June.

apparently it is very common for breech babies, first born and girls to have a problem with there hips. They do say if they find anything wrong it is easily sorted and the earlier the better.

Your Harley should be fine, as he is a boy and second born and he wasnt breech was he?
hi no he wasnt breach??
Dio had he hip scan done too but we wee never called back for a nd?
when harley had it done in hospital i said when will i get the results she said"if you dont hear from us it means every thing is fine"???

so just a bit concerned as to whythey want to see him again?

my HV said some times with prem babies its hardto get a clear scan pic, so im hoping thats all it was x x x
Has he got a clicky hip? This is very common in babies...I had it when I was young. When the paediatrician came round after labour they would of gave him a thorough going over, was anything picked up then? If in doubt I'd give your Health Visitor a call. If anything was picked up when he was checked in should be in your lil red book..Up here hip scans aren't done as a general course of practice, it might be different down there tho..but don't worry,x
every thing was fine they just wernt happy with the first scan pictures as they were not very clear i seen so many babies there with there legs in plaster :(
Damien had to have a hip scan, and because he was prem and the woman was being trained it took forever, but they were eventually happy with it. I had dislocated hips as a baby but it's not so much of a problem these days even if they do discover it.
Hi Dionne

Isaac had a hip scan because I have clicky hips and spina bifida occulta and Isaac was born with a sacral dimple. His hip scan was perfectly normal and bless him, as you can see, he kind of had the odd's stacked against him to say the least! I'm sure you're little man will be fine and they just have to follow up any concerns when they are so little. At Isaac's check up before the scan they weren't happy with one hip but the scan showed all is normal.

Lou :)
we went to the hospital on the 12th and had another scan on Charlottes hips. Her left hip is now dislocated and she has been fitted with a pavlic harness. This helps keep her leg up and helps to ease the dislocation back in. The consultant said that she may need to wear it for three months. Were going back again on the 27th for another scan and to see if the harness is working.

Sami, I was just wondering do you remeber much about what treatment you had and how long it took before your hips were sorted???

has anyone else any experience of these harnesses????
i seen a few babies at the hospital with them harnesses on, im sure i remember Sami saying they didnt no she had bad hips untill she was old about 1

did they say why one of her hips are like it? was she breach or prem? or does it run in the family?
dislocated hips in babies is very common for first born, girls and breech babies. Charlotte was all three of them, so the odds were kind of stacked against her. Plus I had a clicky hip when I was born too :)
Poor thing, she is certainly at high risk of it!

I had mine treated just before I was one, and was in plaster casts till I was 18months to correct it. I was put in leg braces at the hospital to put the joint back into place first. Think I was in that for a couple of weeks.

If its caught as early as Charlottes it should be very straight forward, but my mum says buggies can be a pain to get as they need to be open enough for the legs to be at a right angle almost. Mine were full leg casts with a bar in the middle. No baths either, just sponge baths Im afraid hun.

When is it being fitted? If you have anymore questions just ask, my mum knows more. This site might explain a little bit more... Click here

they fitted her with the harness straight away, so she has been in it now for two days.

I will have a look at that site, many thanks.

Ive never heard of this before we dont have that here?

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