Baby Hiccups


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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She gets them about 3 times a day an they last like 10 minutes, is anyone else in similar boat? also when midwife asks if baby moves 10 times a day or more do they mean 10 single movements or generaly moving around? she doesnt kick much more so just moves every few hours for about 20 minutes.[/list]
Me and my OH were wondering that literally like 30 mins ago aswell? I'm not bothered if they don't count TBH..mine moves so much anyway :)
My midwife gave me a sheet to record baby's movements to make sure i was getting ten a day, and she told me it's ten periods of movement, not individual kicks etc, so even if baby moves non stop for 10 minutes for example, that counts as baby has moved once......hope I haven't made that sound too confusing! :D :D xxh
ah rite, in that case its only about 4 times a day she moves about =/
Isabella used to always get the hiccups and she had them quite alot when she was born.
i know you're supposed to feel 10 seperate lots of movements a day, but TBH i haven't tried counting them... i think i'd just get worried (probably unnecessarily) if i did. i've got used to how much he moves, and i'd know now if something wasn't right. trog went v quiet when we were on holiday but i realised when we got back, that it was just because he'd grown a lot.

i'd trust your instincts hon... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Charlotte alsways seemed to have hiccups when I was pregnant and she still has them loads now - she can send herself to sleep with them!
Re the movement, I was never to told to count and never did - usually when I started to think I hadn't felt anything for a while I'd get a big kick!
I know they say it should be about 10 movements (10 periods that is) but I never counted them like that. As long as you can feel her a lot during the day, I would think that's fine.

As for hiccups, Maya used to get them about 4 times a day and they lasted around 10 minutes too. She still gets them now. :)
My baby girl gets hiccups at least 3 times a day, often more. Sometimes she gives herself hiccups after a bout of strenuous uterine activity :D
My midwife said they have stopped advising the use of kick charts or counting movements and just to be aware of how your own baby moves and whatever is normal for your baby is ok, but if that changes to contact them

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