baby height and weight


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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A bit concerned , i just had a scan and im 22 weeks 2 days my baby weighs 503 g! is this normal for a 22 week?? im worried i might have dieabities i'll get checked on monday but i really feel worried.
and im not sure about the height it doesnt say in the scan report anything about it except in the picture it's states on the top 13.6 cm !! but it doesn't say height i assumed it is but if it is my baby would be really short!!!!!
i feel dizzy really thinking about it any one can help? plz?
I'm really not sure what height and weight babies should be at that point so I'm sorry I can't help you with that one-I always thought though that if there was a problem with these sort of issues they would tell you at the scan or ask you to come back for another one to re check the height and weight. I'm sure your Lo will be fine.
If you are really worried it might be worth giving your midwife a ring and asking her what she thinks.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Are you still having scans on a regular basis? IIRC you were having lots of them :think:

I'd think if there had been a concern you would have been told. Baby's go through growing spurts in these weeks, so it would not surprise me if your LO was expanding. Unless your MW or Doctor is concerned I'd not panic yet.

Have a look at this growth chart but please remember this is only the AVERAGE and all will vary either side and be quite alright.

Fetal growth chart

If you take into consideration you are 22+2 then your LO is only a few days ahead size wise based on the average.

So stop panicking :)
Also don't assume the 13.6cm is the height. That could be some other measurement. If in doubt, ask someone who understans the scan readings like the sonographer or a doctor. Don't jump to conclusions and worry yourself.
Deffo dont panic hun! If we go by the chart that Sherlock kindly linked then looking at my 20 week scan my baby was 100g over the average. Your baby is only 70g over the average so no worries :) Also CRL isnt measured after 20 weeks - I dont think? They use femur length etc


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