Baby groups in Oxford area


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering if any of you happen to live in the Oxford area and know of any good baby/toddler groups? I am about to move to the city and am looking for some groups for my 15 month old :)

There's an organisation up in Newcastle called NAPI, and it lists all the baby & toddler groups. I'm not sure if it is a north east thing, or national. It could be worth a look, to see if it is national or if there is an alternative. Also look out for sure start centres, they were fab when I had my first child, I met loads of different people! Also there's a website and you'll find loads of activities in your area x
Ohhhh thank you hun, that's really helpful :) x
Have a look at netmums - if you type in your area it should list playgroups etc xx
I don't live there any more, but I was there until just after my son turned one. There were loads of things to do so I'm sure you'll find things. I went to groups at the Florence Park Children's Centre and then the Headington and Slade Children's Centre, but there were loads of other children's centres dotted around the place :) Children's Centres website.

There's also the Daily Info website which might be handy.

The Story Museum in the city centre do sessions for 0-3 year olds every Friday I think, but sadly they hadn't started by the time we moved away so I don't know what they're like. The place was amazing though :) Story Museum website.

There were loads of other groups around the place like baby music and signing and stuff like that as well :)
Thank you for the replies ladies, some really helpful info :) xx

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