Congratulations! :cheer: Looking forward to seeing pics of your new daughter! :hug:
Big Congratulations Budge!!!!!!! Well done on your new daughter. :D

Hannah X
Congratulations budge!
Hope you and you little girl are ok :hug: :cheer:
Congratulations Budge, Can't wait to the some picdies and hear what you've decided to call her :cheer:

Charm X

P.S. Wobbles sends her love
Congratulations budge! No jump leads needed after all!!

Well done sweetie, looking forward to hearing all about it xx
CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer:

10lbs?! yowza ! that makes my eyes water a bit ! :shock:

Hope you are well, cant wait to hear your story!

:cheer: :cheer:

Steph xx
Congratulations Budge that's fantastic news welcome to the world new baby budge
Congratulations Budge - hope you are recovering well and looking forward to hearing all about it. Bet your hubby feels well and truly outnumbered now!!
Congratulations Budge, I am so happy for you and your family :hug:

What a pampered little princess she'll be with her main Mummy and her 3 little mini-mummies! :lol:

Can't wait to hear all about your home birth! What a great weight she is, she must be so cuddley :)
Wow well done honey!! can wait to read the story and see the piccies!!!
Well done!!! :hug:
Wow I guessed the day she would be born, the sex, and I was only 2oz out on the weight, just call me mystic meg!

:cheer: Congratulations :cheer:
Congratulations hun and well done
:hug: :hug:
Cat&Noah said:
Wow I guessed the day she would be born, the sex, and I was only 2oz out on the weight, just call me mystic meg!

:cheer: Congratulations :cheer:

well done cat,everyone will want you to guess now :lol: :hug: xx
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl Budge :cheer: :cheer:

Look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some piccies :hug:
Congratulations hun - so pleased for you. Can't wait to see the piccies

:dance: :dance: :dance: At last Baby Budge is finally here!!!!Well done Budge can't wait to hear all about it!!!I knew it would be Wednesday!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
She kept everybody waiting eh!

A good size baby girl, congratulations to you all.
Anyone heard off her today?
Is she ok, i know she will be too busy getting involved in her daughters birthday.

Hope you're ok hun :hug:
yeah welcome baby budge!!

wel done budge hope you and your new girlie are well. can't wait to heart your story :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Congrats Budge & welcome to the world baby :cheer: Hope you are all ok :D

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