Baby Box Ideas!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi everyone,
I'm going to put a box of things from 2007 together for my baby so he/she can have things from the year they were born.
I know I'm going to buy some Comic Relief stuff like nose and going to send off for the andrex puppies, I'm also going to take photo's of all the close family members and photos from birthday parties etc from this year so baby knows what we looked like then.I'm going to put newspapers from day born and ones with any major events in too.

Has anyone got any other ideas of what else I can put in?
thats an interesting one as weve been thinking of making a time capsule of the time we have spent trying to get pregnant but have no idea what to put in it apart from photos, newspapers etc.

Ill get my fuzzy thinking cap on :D
how about a dis used mobile phone? as there always changing it will be interesting to compare to the ones in the future
keslo66 said:
how about a dis used mobile phone? as there always changing it will be interesting to compare to the ones in the future

Thats not a bad idea, and maybe a hits of the year cd too!
They are are good ideas. I've just upgraded my phone and still have old one so that's in and I'll buy a couple of compilations cd's throughout the year too. :cheer:
I did this for sort of thing for Arianna but it has like her name tags from the hosp in it etc. I bought a CD of what was at number one when she was born and have that in the box - even tho it was Smile by Lily Allan!! hehe!
It's a great idea :cheer:

A TV guide, or a tape of current popular adverts, used to love watching old recorded tapes with the adverts still on, how things change hehe

You could also ask friends and family to write a little note for LO, that would be fun for all as well as LO in years to come :)

Best Wishes :hug:

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