Baby blues?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Is it normal to get baby blues more than 3 weeks after the birth? I have felt so down and unhappy the last couple of days and have spent a lot of time crying (not just shedding a few tears, full on sobbing). I feel like I'm not doing a very good job as a Mum and sometimes feel like I just dont want to be a Mum anymore :( My DH had to come home from work today because I wasnt coping, Maddison wouldnt stop crying and I told DH he had better come and get her because I was leaving! :( He came home and I went to bed but hardly slept because I find it hard to go to sleep at the moment. Is this normal at this stage? I'm scared that I'm going to not want my baby anymore :(
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

I was worried too cos i didn't really get the baby blues 3 days after birth which is what all books say but like you i got them when Jack was 3 weeks. I did exactly the same and one day was beggin oh to stay off work cos i couldn;t cope.. he went but he ended up having to come home half way through day and when i went to bed i just couldn't sleep... that lasted a good few days.. a week maye then i picked up as i started getting into a little routine.

You won;t reject your baby i'm sure, i worried over that, felt as though i was rubbish at everything but your not!! Your just settling into a whole new life ands it's bloody hard. i'm sure it'll get easier for u 2 as it has for me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
its not long since u gave birth hun ur hormones will be all over the place :hug:

i never got down or depressed but i was still very overwhelmed at 3 weeks, my boyfs paternity finished then and i was so panicky at being alone while he went 2 work coz it was still all very new and daunting. i dont remember the panickiness lasting very long tho. hope ur ok
Snuggle said:
Is it normal to get baby blues more than 3 weeks after the birth? I have felt so down and unhappy the last couple of days and have spent a lot of time crying (not just shedding a few tears, full on sobbing). I feel like I'm not doing a very good job as a Mum and sometimes feel like I just dont want to be a Mum anymore :( My DH had to come home from work today because I wasnt coping, Maddison wouldnt stop crying and I told DH he had better come and get her because I was leaving! :( He came home and I went to bed but hardly slept because I find it hard to go to sleep at the moment. Is this normal at this stage? I'm scared that I'm going to not want my baby anymore :(

It's exactly how I'm feeling too, and my LO is 3 weeks old too. I feel like my DH does a much better job at dealing with LO than myself, and whenever there's someone else around to look after her, I would shut myself away from her, as if she doesn't exist. It makes me feel very guilty to act this way. I really hope this is just the baby blues and not PND.
It can be a lonely and frightening time when you feel the way you described, I went through a lot of sobbing after having Isaac, and I found I could only speak to my best friend about it, and through that it helped me understanding what and why I was feeling what I was and how best to see through it to a manageable and happy experience with my son.
Speaking out is the bestest thing you could have done, and I am sure your OH, ladies from this forum and anyone else you speak to will do all they can to support you through this time, you're not alone and you are an excellent Mummy, if you weren't you wouldn't care and love your LO so much as to seek support :hug:
Talk to your HV or GP and they will be able to offer their expertise, inform yourself of why this is happening and seek the best medicine for it, whether that be in a tablet or in a talk, very best wishes, you're a great Mummy :hug:
I felt exactly the same way as you. i felt i couldnt cope and everyone was better with Evan than me. I also felt like running away. It gets better and when they get a bit older you will feel more confident. I have to say a month ago they prescribed me anti depressants and today i decided to take them as i have had a bit of a relapse. :cry:
Thank you everyone :hug:

I think it must have been a dose of the baby blues coz it lasted a couple of days and now I feel much happier and am really enjoying my wee girl :cheer:

lella, I hope you're ok, just PM me if you need someone to talk to :hug:

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