Babies and Prams?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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What do you all think about the new reports that having your baby facing away from you in a pushchair, may suffer from higher stress levels, when compared to babies facing you?

Who uses a forward facing pushchair? and who uses one which faces you?

I will be interested in peoples reactions as we are currently TTC, and yeah, it is just interesting! :angel:
I have both and my child talks more and sleeps better when facing away from me! So she doesn't agree with this research at all.

I think that parent facing obviously offers more interaction, but TBH how much time each day does a child actually spend in the pushchair - probably less than 10% of a day, so provided you are interacting with them at other times does it really matter if she isn't looking at my ugly mug when in the pushchair!
Nathan had a forward facing pushchair and is fine. Kieran has got one that can forward face or face me. I prefer that I can look at Kieran and he can look at me while in the pushchair but I don't think any harm is done by just putting them in a forward facing pushchair :think:

As Magic Monkey said, they don't spend that much time in the pushchair anyway and aslong as you're interacting with them the rest of the time they will be fine :)
There's a post on this in babies and toddlers, general chat ;)

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