b****y health visitors!-update -advice please


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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i took Caden to be weighed today,he is 9 months in 2days and weighed in at 25lb 13!he has put 2lb odd on in a month :oops:
so the health visitor (who is a really nice one) proceded to tell me that ''we really need to try and slim him a bit,hes not fat but very stocky and although hes always been a big boy and tall perhaps we should look into it a bit more''she asked if id had his 8 month check and i said yes and the other HV had told me i needed to up his food intake in the hope it would fill him up enough so that caden would drop a bottle.

caden still has 5 x 6oz bottles a day,ive been trying to knock one off for 3 months to no success.anyway the HV today asked what food id been advised to give him and i said 2 cooked meals of at least 2 veg and meat or fish with potato and a pudding,plus fruit inbetween and to stop giving him sandwiches for lunch which is what i was doing.well apparantly thats a load of crap!ive now been told to give sandwich or toast at lunch,1 pudding a day and no snacks :wall: which is exactly what i was doing before :wall:

anyway i know have a complaint form to fill in and send off about being unhappy about the advice i was given before!and i have to go back in 2 weeks.dunno if i can be :moon: to be honest.but what annoys me is shouldnt all hv be singing from the same song sheet so to speak?wouldnt it be easier to give consistent advice? :twisted: :twisted:
Oh no! I find most health visitors around here pretty crap, feeding you a load of crap about what u should be doing. i swear half of them dont know what there doing!!!! Ryan still has 5 x 6oz bottles to! He just loves his milk!! :hug:
Grrrr!!! I know exactly what you mean - all the HV's at my clinic tell you different things! so annoying! Deof send in thats complaint tho
Am I the only one who thinks their HV is ok? :lol: I've had 2 HV's now and they have both been nice.

They just let me get on with it and don't try telling me what to do unless I ask for the advice :)
I have come across 3 HV since having Dylan and each one has been dozy. I seriously dont know how they got the job they have. They, too, told me contradicting information regarding different issues. I have no faith in them at all.
we have 6 hv at our clinic so usually you get a different one each time you go.its a pain in the bum really because the advice conflicts so often.its not as though i even asked for the advice mind,they offered it anyway :? after all i managed to get my daughter to 7 years old with no major hiccups. :rotfl:

yeah i should send in the complaint really maybe it might make them confer once in awhile :think:
omg :shock: yep she definately sounds like a right numpty :rotfl: :rotfl: it makes you wonder where some of them get their qualifications from,I think some of them get 'em off a cereal packet! :rotfl:

thats awful sending your LO for totally uneccesary tests just cos she doesnt know what shes doing.i totally understand where youre coming from.
well ive tried knocking his bottles down.ive had caden in bed at 7-30 the past couple of nights and hes only had 4 bottles a day and his food.HOWEVER he had us up at 2-30am this morning and after 45minutes of him screaming/waking/screaming/waking i gave in and let him have another bottle.so my question is-

do you think i should just give him a bottle when he wants it and stuff what the HV says?

should i be mean and stick to the 4 bottles cos in the long run he shouldnt be having as much as he does (apparaently) :?

do you think its worth trying to get him settled in bed at 7-30 if he ends up in bed with us in the small hours anyway?if i let him sleep on the sofa til like 11 he then has a bottle and sleeps til 6 usually.

whats your LO's bedtime routines?
we have bath at 7pm followed by story ,bottle and hopefully bed or usually in cadens case asleep on sofa till i go up to bed. :rotfl: :rotfl:
That's really terrible, we get contradicting advice from different HV's here too.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I personally would feed him when he wants it. If it's def food/milk he wants then maybe he needs it?

He's your bubbs hun, you know him best and you know what's best for a happy baby :D

As for routine, it's always worth trying to get into one. Might take a while but can't hurt to try :D Fi started (when she was 8 weeks) by us taking her upstairs, she'd have half hour nappy off time then a bath, milk and story and we'd put her to bed. This was by about 9pm which was the time she tended to get sleepy anyway. Then I slowly brought it forward until it was earlier. She is now (most of the time) in bed asleep by 7.15pm.
:hug: :hug:
thanx :hug:

Suzie and Faith said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I personally would feed him when he wants it. If it's def food/milk he wants then maybe he needs it?

He's your bubbs hun, you know him best and you know what's best for a happy baby :D

As for routine, it's always worth trying to get into one. Might take a while but can't hurt to try :D Fi started (when she was 8 weeks) by us taking her upstairs, she'd have half hour nappy off time then a bath, milk and story and we'd put her to bed. This was by about 9pm which was the time she tended to get sleepy anyway. Then I slowly brought it forward until it was earlier. She is now (most of the time) in bed asleep by 7.15pm.
:hug: :hug:

i never had routine problems with kiara she always just went off at about 9ish and slept in her own room from 6 months with no problems but caden panics if he wakes up and cant see me,hes like it in the daytime hes just so clingy,always has been.i think i will still put hiim to bed but make it like the 8pm time so that its a bit later and i will let him fall asleep downstairs then take him up to his cot i think.if he wakes in the night then i will give him a feed if thats what he wants.I cant help it if hes a big baby and takes a lot of filling :rotfl:

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