Awww and Grrrr


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Awww first.

Ian is away this week on a course, so this is his first night away from Eloise since October. She obviously doesn't remember back then, so she is really missing him. I put her to bed at 7 and she is still awake and crying. i have seen to her twice, but don't really want to give in as she will think she is going back to her old routine of 10pm bedtimes! She is crying her eyes out, whilst shouting 'Hiya'. Bless- it's the only word she knows and she uses it for all situations!
Before I put her to bed, she kept looking down the hallway at the front door - waiting for her daddy to turn up :(

Grrrr now
The lightbulb above the computer in the living room blew yest and after getting annoyed sitting in a dim light, and not having had a chance to go to Sainsburys to get more, I swapped it with the one from the hallway.
Just switched on the light and the other bloody light in the living room has gone now. I'm ok here on the comp - but when I eventually decide to tidy up this room and the hallway, I'll be doing it in what little light will reach from the one working bulb :p
Plus there is no food in the damn house (well there is, but it needs defrosting) so I have had no tea :( Eloise had baked beans and sausages so she's ok, but I'm starving!!

Anyway - am going to go to Sainburys tomorrow with hubby's debit card and going to get loads of chocolate and may treat Eloise and Myself to some clothes :p
awww bless my dad always goes away and leaves me and this is when things start going wrong...

once he beggered off to conference for teh week and the night he went the lights all went off... i had no idea what to do... lol

i was using tvs for light fo the week....

apparently it was the "light" fuse in the power box... hahaha

im so blonde sometimess......

dont forget shoes on ur shopping trip!!!
I know - I can't help giggling even though she's desperately upset.

Think she has fallen asleep now...
Will go and check. Poor little baby!

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