Autoimmune conditions


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2013
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Anyone else suffer from autoimmune disorders? I currently suffer from 3 so had to come off all my medication (my choice as I want to let nature take its course) did anyone find their conditions went into remission during pregnancy?
I suffer from fibromyalgia hun, altho they suspected lupus but not confirmed(its a long story) I found it went into remission with my sob Harry n didn't return till he was nearly 6 months old. I am now 29wks pg with my second n so far apart from back pain it's been pretty good again. Hope u go into remission hun.

Oooh thank you, that gives me some confidence . I have Crohn's disease, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Crohns was in remission anyway and arthritis has never given me too much bother but my skins a mess so I'm hoping it will clear up soon!
I hope it all stays in remission for you hun n that your skin clears up soon, sounds like u have a lot to deal with.

Hi i have psoriasis and was in process of having psoriatic arthritis diagnosed when i became pregnant. I was having a lot of joint pain at the time in particularly my hands but as i was told by my rheumatology, the pains have all reduced as pregnancy has progressed :) my psoriasis has not improved unfortunately, its as bad as ever on my scalp.

Im dreading to see how these conditions will be following birth though. Enjoy the respite and hope your skin improves too x
Hi i have psoriasis and was in process of having psoriatic arthritis diagnosed when i became pregnant. I was having a lot of joint pain at the time in particularly my hands but as i was told by my rheumatology, the pains have all reduced as pregnancy has progressed :) my psoriasis has not improved unfortunately, its as bad as ever on my scalp.

Im dreading to see how these conditions will be following birth though. Enjoy the respite and hope your skin improves too x

I know a girl who's psoriasis was really bad during pregnancy but cleared up when she was breastfeeding weirdly enough. Strange things these autoimmune conditions do. I'm really hoping it doesn't take too long to ttc as i want to get back on medication as soon as I can after pregnancy. My skin doesn't bother me too much, but the psoriasis on my feet makes walking practically unbearable
I've Fibro & Psoriasis.

Currently my fibro's laying low (though mine does that every so often.) Psoriasis is having a field day! Arms are bright red and am thinking of having to go to bed wearing socks on my hands after scratching myself raw the other night and my ears are so red and sore it's untrue. Hearing sucks too thanks to it.

I usually experience a massive flare up this time of year anyway and then another around July time, and another in late Sept/Early Oct.

My pain management nurse did offhandedly say today that she would be shocked if I experienced any Fibro symptoms while pregnant by she isn't a fibro specialist just a pain one so don't know if to take her word really!

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