At last....


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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It's only taken nearly 4 weeks but finally...

OH has cracked and found out we're team pink!!!

So pleased I didn't bet money on it! I thought he'd crack within the week.... he's clearly got more will power than I thought!!

He came in from having a crappy shift at work and just asked me. Didn't have much time to change his mind as I ran upstairs (believe me this is currently a hard thing to do), grabbed all the pink stuff I'd bought and stashed away and ran back down to him sitting with his eyes closed and put everything on his knee.
He looked at the stuff, looked back at me with tears in his eyes and gave me the biggest cuddle.
He's been dreaming of having a little girl for ages, well before we were pregnant. He's not stopped smiling since.

As for keeping it a secret just between ourselves, he's already told 3 of his best mates and his parents. I think he's just a little excited!! lol!! xxx
Ah that's nice, men are such big softies with their little girls! Least you don't have to hide stuff anymore, really don't know how you lasted this long!
Oh thats great news! least you can be excited together and you do not feel like you are going to let it slip all the time!
He's been so adorable since he's found out. I think it's made it feel even more real for him. He's started kissing my bump even more now and talking away to her and calling her by the name we've picked out.

As we went to bed last night, he was sitting telling me all the stuff he's going to have her doing.... She's gonna be a little tom boy I think.... although I was too up til the age of about 19/20 so I don't think she's gonna have much choice! lol!!

aw that's very sweet!! now you can enjoy talking about your lil girl together :)
Aaaww bless your OH he sounds very excited still :D
Im still waiting for pics of these gorgeous dresses ;) x x

Aw that nearly made me cry reading your oh's reaction (mind u I cry at everything, thanks hormones!!!!) I'm chuffed for you the secrets out as you can go completely mad buying pink pink and MORE pink now!!! :pompom:
Thanks ladies. He has been so adorable it's unbelievable.
Part of me felt he was feeling a bit left out not being able to feel and go through everything I've been going through, but it's totally changed now and he seems on cloud 9 even more so than he was before.

I think it's been great him finding out and he's realised it won't take anything away from the day when she's born. Plus we're naming her after his Grandma who died about 6 months before we got together, so I never had the privledge of meeting her. His Grandad isn't too well of health at the moment too so I'm hoping telling him we're having a little girl and what we're calling her will push him into fighting a bit longer so he get's to meet her come October. He seems to be giving up more and more each week :(

M2A, totally forgot about the dress pic... I'll upload it now!! xxx
M2A... the cute dresses I got. The two on the end...cream and red one's are identical with little hats but opposite colours :)

Ooo just realised how big they look but there is one 0-3 months, and the rest are 3-6 months (christmas outfits :p )
That's sooo lovely PP! It must be great that he finally knows and you can share so much more!
Those dresses are soooo cute! xxx

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