Lucie has had a sore bum this past week but has 2 more teeth through. I read on a local fbook group that some people were not happy with little angels since they changed packaging and that crystals were leaking out once baby had wet the nappy and this had caused a reaction. I had noticed a few crystals in there but hadn't thought anything of it. Anyway I was child free yest and my mum text to say her bum was better and it got me thinking as mum had the old packet still. Anyway I rang asda customer helpline, they took the barcode told me not to use them and return them to store for a refund plus replacement or a double refund which I have done today. 28 people local to me have had issues with rashes that a number had put down to teeth, upset tummies etc. so if anyone of are not happy please just take them back and swap them. My LO has been gone today with a diff pack on. X