Arrrrrrgh, shopping with the pram.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I rarely use the pram and usually opt for the sling when I go into the town but as I had to get things like wrapping paper and a few large Xmas presents I thought I would dust the pram down and use it for once, also I think I've broken my toe so didn't want the extra weight on it.

It's a pain in the bum having to go in the lifts, I hate standing there waiting for them and watching it go up and down and not stopping on my level or if it does stop then it's full of lazy people and I can't get in with the pram :evil: . And they are usually at the back of shops so have to walk even further :evil: :evil: .

Shops are too small and my steering isn't very good and I crashed into a manequin and it's hand fell off :oops: . The shopping centre insist on putting advertising signs outside there shops so have walk around like it's an assault course! Everyone ignores you when you ask them to move :wall: .

Rant over :D
:evil: :evil: i know its sooo annoying espcially this time of year!!!!! and ppl dont give a shit or try and help!!!!
xmas time is the worst time EVER to go into town with the pram!! im a pro at negotiatin stores tho so its gettin better but still people insist on walkin infront of me or cuttin across, tis a gd job i dont bat an eyelid at runnin peoples feet over and knockin their ankles :lol:
mummykay said:
xmas time is the worst time EVER to go into town with the pram!! im a pro at negotiatin stores tho so its gettin better but still people insist on walkin infront of me or cuttin across, tis a gd job i dont bat an eyelid at runnin peoples feet over and knockin their ankles :lol:

I'm doing Xmas shopping now so I haven't got to venture into town at all in December. I need a horn on the pram so I can beep people when they are in way :lol: .
that sounds just like my day! I thought tuesday morning should be a relatively safe day to take the pram to town.. oh no, it was madness....

if anyone saw a crazy woman with a green buggy arguing with the bloke who barged past her in Card Factory Manchester Arndale... that was me! :x :

At least I got my shopping done..... although as my day off is a tuesday I have worked out that I will be collecting my turkey/food shop the day before xmas eve :wall: :wall:
And why if a shop is for example 2 levels the baby/kids stuff is on the 2nd level and you have no choice but use the lift?

In the bay (big department store) they insist on having the baby/kids stuff on the same level as the glass/china stuff so when you get off the lift you have to walk all through that. VERY stressful.
babsi said:
And why if a shop is for example 2 levels the baby/kids stuff is on the 2nd level and you have no choice but use the lift?

In the bay (big department store) they insist on having the baby/kids stuff on the same level as the glass/china stuff so when you get off the lift you have to walk all through that. VERY stressful.

I know!
The big New Look in the city has gorgeous baby clothes on the first floor with no lift :wall: :wall: :wall:
My pet hate (well one of them LOL!) is people who use the lifts and don't need to. It really bugs me when lifts full of able bodied people stop and you can't get in with the pushchair. In our shopping centre there is even a sign that says to give preference to people with pushchairs or disabilities and people still go in the lifts. :twisted:
I am going to play devil advocate's here and it is one of my pet hates, but a person may look able-bodied but they might not actually be, I think sometimes that should be taken into consideration. I would say 95% of people that are able-bodied that use the lifts shouldn't. Sometimes the escalator is right next to it is as well.
This drives me up the wall aswell! I agree that people who are perfectly capable of wallking up the stairs should do so and let others with prams and pushchairs use the lifts! :wall:

I went out shopping yesterday & it really drove me mad, the amount of stupid, inconsiderate idiots that just give you dirty looks when you say 'excuse me' coz they're standing there oblivious of you trying to get past with the pushchair! I was in Asda and this woman was just dawdling around in the middle of the aisle, I said excuse me please & she didn't hear me, so I tried to steer the pushchair around her to get past, then she spun round and tutted at me & muttered something under her breath! :evil:
Oh god! Don't get me started! :lol:

I had a flown blown rant the other week cos of bloody Next! ALL the bloody xmas stuff is in the way so actually getting in the shop is a nightmare AND the baby stuff is at the back, past all the stupid stuff. I got a peed off we left right away! Couldn't even work our way round the baby things! You'd think they would give more space. One buggy in there and you are stuffed.

We usually take Finlay in the sling or OH takes him in his carrier but had decided to take the pram so we could carry more things but I got so peed off by 10 minutes :lol:

Lifts do my head in. I HATE them. I don't understand why shops put the baby things where you need to use a lift with a buggy! Whats wrong with the bottom floor where it is easily accessible. From what I see it mothers/fathers and buggies that go shopping more than any other people half the time so why isolate them and pee them off?
It drives me mad too :evil:
I always think to myslef - if I struggle to get round with the buggy how on earth do people in wheelchairs cope?! It must really annoy them! :evil:
jools221181 said:
It drives me mad too :evil:
I always think to myslef - if I struggle to get round with the buggy how on earth do people in wheelchairs cope?! It must really annoy them! :evil:

Yip and buggies are a damn site easier to manvoure that wheel chairs.

Shops are so inconsiderate
Shops put whatever gives them the most profit downstairs, e.g make-up, women's clothes, kids stuff at the front wouldn't give them half as much profit
I agree with you lot here!! things i hate most about going shopping with the pram is getting on buses! arghh i rarely do but when i do i end up swearing at people. People are so stuck up sometimes.. If i'm walking down a busy street i don't move out the way for people.. I'm the lady with the PRAM!! when i havnt got tania and i do go shopping if im walking towards a pram i'll move out the way.. so i expect people to do it pffffffffft!! an another thing the amount of looks i get cuz i'm nearly 19 an barely look it! Haha i see people looking at tania then looking at me and repeating it for a few times..!! yes she is mine!! :talkhand:

okay my rant over now.. i could go on for ages!!

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