ARGHH!! Bloody feeding :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Well just when I think I am getting somewhere with feeding Evie it all goes to pot. She ate her breakfast as normal, then refused her lunch and had just a bit of toast, she even refused her yoghurt :(

I spent two hrs making a beef casserole with sweet potato & parsnip mash which she loves, she had two mouthfuls, spat the second out then flatly refused anymore, I tried letting her feed herself, gave her a spoon then a folk and all she did was scream.

So I took her into the lounge, walked back in with her dinner 5 mins after and sit down and pretended to eat it, she comes over to the sofa, stands in front of me and eats the flaming lot :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

I don't know what to do, it's getting me down now, she is getting into bad habits because I have to resort to stupid tactics like this to get some food into her and she was obviously hungry.

Why is it so hard? :(
I sympathise with you as meal times are a battle ground in my house too but with my 5 year old!!! I honestly don't know why I can't be the same no nonense mummy as I am with tantrums, bedtime and other issues. Only thing I'd say is the more you mess around the more sressful it will become. It's frustrating when you've lovingly cooked a meal and they don't touch it but try not to show them that it bothers you because it makes it worse. ;-)
I've tried everything to get her to eat and I thought now that she had started feeding herself (or rather stabbing her food with her folk) she was feeling more involved and the distraction meant I could get on with feeding her but today we are back to square one!

I really do try not to show her I'm stressed and I don't react even when she spits it out, I just clean it up and carry on but maybe she can still sense it?

I really don't want this to be the start of wks of not eating again like we had before.

I also feel like I'm doing something wrong, it's the one thing I've struggled with from day one and just can't get right :(
oh hun. :hug: Its nothing you did wrong.

Is she teething? I have trouble with AJ when teething.

I'm here to support hun as were going through the same. (AJ's not doing so well atm either, again! :( )

Hope tomorrow is a better day....let us know :hug:
She is teething actually so I wonder if that might be it? God I hope so, it really does upset me when she goes to bed and hasn't had much to eat.

I'm at work tomorrow so she is at home with Daddy as he works from home on a Tues so we'll see how he gets on, although he tends to give her more snacks than me so he has been told no junk!! I'll let you know how she does.

Let me know how AJ does too hun, sorry to hear he's not doing so well either, at least we've got others going through the same thing on here :hug:xx
She is teething actually so I wonder if that might be it? God I hope so, it really does upset me when she goes to bed and hasn't had much to eat.

I'm at work tomorrow so she is at home with Daddy as he works from home on a Tues so we'll see how he gets on, although he tends to give her more snacks than me so he has been told no junk!! I'll let you know how she does.

Let me know how AJ does too hun, sorry to hear he's not doing so well either, at least we've got others going through the same thing on here :hug:xx

I do hope its just her teeth and she's eating better soon if not tomorrow. Is there anything she will eat no matter what?

I'm at work all day too. But I'll have a detailed menu of what he has/hasnt eaten off the childminder.
AJ has a tooth coming in at the front so putting his refusal of tea down to that. (Well 2 spoons of a chicken dinner, then Daddy gave him jelly! Jelly is his fav!!) x
I was going to ask the exact same question about teething - I struggle wth food with Harrison when he's cutting a new tooth _ it's only now that he'll point and it and say "mama owwww" (which makes me melt bless him!!) that I know it's probably that.

Don't beat yourself up - it's a surpisingly small amount of food that little ones need to keep going rather than the amount they eat on a really hungry day which is really easy to forget. You are doing everything right - offering healthy food you know she likes. We all resort to the old favouriate when they refuse food so don't beat yourself up. The food thing is stressful - you'll be ok tho xxx
She is teething actually so I wonder if that might be it? God I hope so, it really does upset me when she goes to bed and hasn't had much to eat.

I'm at work tomorrow so she is at home with Daddy as he works from home on a Tues so we'll see how he gets on, although he tends to give her more snacks than me so he has been told no junk!! I'll let you know how she does.

Let me know how AJ does too hun, sorry to hear he's not doing so well either, at least we've got others going through the same thing on here :hug:xx

I do hope its just her teeth and she's eating better soon if not tomorrow. Is there anything she will eat no matter what?

I'm at work all day too. But I'll have a detailed menu of what he has/hasnt eaten off the childminder.
AJ has a tooth coming in at the front so putting his refusal of tea down to that. (Well 2 spoons of a chicken dinner, then Daddy gave him jelly! Jelly is his fav!!) x

She does have food she eats no matter what - yoghurt is one thing she always eats which is why I was upset she even refused that yesterday.

She has had a much better day today :) she had her breakfast, then some of the left over casserole from yesterday for lunch, although her Dad had to hold her while he was feeding her (what is it about her highchair that she doesn't like?) But she did finish it in the end and she has had cheesey scrambled egg on toast and some banana for tea and she ate the lot :) She's at nursery the rest of this week so we'll see how she goes there, it really could be her teeth as she was up during the night so the must be hurting her.

How did AJ do today? Jelly must be nice when teething as it is cold so I might try that too as Evie hasn't had it yet :) I hope he had a better day xx
I was going to ask the exact same question about teething - I struggle wth food with Harrison when he's cutting a new tooth _ it's only now that he'll point and it and say "mama owwww" (which makes me melt bless him!!) that I know it's probably that.

Don't beat yourself up - it's a surpisingly small amount of food that little ones need to keep going rather than the amount they eat on a really hungry day which is really easy to forget. You are doing everything right - offering healthy food you know she likes. We all resort to the old favouriate when they refuse food so don't beat yourself up. The food thing is stressful - you'll be ok tho xxx

Aww bless him that is sweet! Thank you for the kind words, means a lot to have the support of everyone on here :) xx
So pleased Evie had a better day. Hope it continues :hug:
AJ went through a phase of disliking the highchair too, tried a table and chair but was worse as he could get up and run off!
We use the Muller Jellies, they're made with fruit juice and taste good :) oh and a little sing of 'jelly on the plate' goes down well while eating it

AJ hasnt done too bad, breakfast, 1/2 of lunch and very picky at tea but he's drank all of his milk today aswell. I think we have 4 teeth coming on the bottom :( xx
Ouch poor little man getting 4 teeth at once. Evie would be very cranky if she was getting 4 at once. She has cut two bigger back teeth in the last few days (found them as she bit me after I stuck my finger in her month :) wont be doing that again!!) Glad AJ did ok, how has he got on today? Hope he's been ok.

Evie didn't eat her tea at nursery today but I think it was because she didn't like it so they gave her some toast and she had some banana when she got in. She has left 3oz of her milk so I know she isn't hungry as she never leaves her milk now she is on cows milk. She ate all her breaskfast and lunch so a pretty good day for her :) xx
:yay: Glad Evie had a good day. Sounds like she did really well.
ooh, it could have been her teeth then. Hope she's back to eating after those teeth coming through.

AJ's had a ok day thanks. Lunch was a no go, screaming due to teeth and Mammy forgot the calpol! We were having lunch in town so had to run to Boots!
Poor thing :(
I tickle AJ so when he laughs I peer in his mouth to look for teeth! Otherwise he thinks its a game of lets bit Mammys fingers, ouch! x
Owww it must hurt them so much, poor little man :sad: I hope he cuts them soon so he can get back on track - thank god for calpol though eh!

I normally look for teeth when she is lying down, I was fishing out a piece of plastic she has shoved in her mouth (sssh don't tell anyone :oooo:) and thought the sides of her month were safe!! She left teeth marks and everything!!!
Hey, how are you both doing? How is Evie coming on with her eating? :)
She's doing ok the last few days :) we've discovered she LOVES chessy mash and peas, so has had it alot with other things and if we mix it into the mash she doesn't notice too much. She's also doing much better with the spoon and tonight has just fed herself nearly the whole plate, using her fingers as well as the spoon :yay:I'm really chuffed!!

Thanks for asking honey. How are you guys getting on? xx
She's doing ok the last few days :) we've discovered she LOVES chessy mash and peas, so has had it alot with other things and if we mix it into the mash she doesn't notice too much. She's also doing much better with the spoon and tonight has just fed herself nearly the whole plate, using her fingers as well as the spoon :yay:I'm really chuffed!!

Thanks for asking honey. How are you guys getting on? xx

Yummy, cheesy mash! I'm so pleased she's been doing well. :yay:

Do you find if she's ate well for one meal your less stressed for the next? Does it make a difference how you approach the next meal? Although we try not to stress I'm sure even the teeny bit we feel shows.

Were not doing too bad either, thank you. AJ is loving fruit and is eating a lot better and trying new things too (still teething though :()
Yay for AJ too :yay:that's great he is loving fruit :)

Yes I think it does make a huge difference how stressed I am, I do try not to show it but I think they just know. I've really relaxed the last few days and started letting her feed herself, she usually has a folk in one hand and a spoon in the other :lol: and just does what she wants but still eats. Tonight we all had a roast dinner and I left her to eat it herself while we ate with her and she did so well, I can't stop smiling!! She was covered in it at the end but full up and happy so I really hope we are getting somewhere (although she threw her plate of fruit for pud on the floor but I think she was too full from dinner).

She has cut 3 big back teeth in the last few weeks too so I know how you feel with the teething. Hope AJ's come through soon too xx
Well my excitement was very short lived. We're having a terrible day so far, totally refused her lunch so ended up making her something else, which I know she loves and she refused that while in her highchair, so ended up feeding her sat on the living room floor and she did have some, but not much and then had some banana.

She has a runny nose today and woke up after her morning nap with a very pink cheek and ear so I think we're getting more teeth :sad:

Here we go again.....

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