Argh - really need help


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2014
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So LO is due in just over 3 weeks, we don't know what we're having so need a list of both boys and girls names. Thing is, although we have a list there is NOTHING that stands out/that we love. The lists so far are;

Dexter (Not sure if were brave enough to use this name!)

Girls; (Middle name will be Kate)

As you can see, we have a lot of names - But nothing we are settled on. I think I must have read every name out there and nothing stands out. DS name is Caden and I loved that from the start.

So please, ladies, suggest nice (not too popular) strong boys names and any girls names you like.


Ooo tricky one as you've picked some really nice names in there for both! I think Dexter is a nice and not too common name. I think it's a name that you can now get away with as being different but not bonkers and it goes well with Caden.

I've always loved the name Georgia so they would be my picks from your list x
We're having such a hard time with names too - especially boys! Can't believe how difficult it is.

I also vote Dexter for a boy, I don't think it's that out there anymore, but definitely still uncommon. I think Lydia's different and really pretty x
I feel I might be able to help here, very similar story! Ha! We also loved Dexter but weren't brave enough in the end and chose Isaac Jacob! We also liked Zac & Reece! So on our latest list we have Elliott, Ryan, Leon, Finley, Max & Lewis.

My daughter is Kate Margaret!!! We also liked Lauren, Hannah, Eve (born on Xmas Eve), Freya & Georgia! On our latest list we have Erin, Hannah, Olivia, Amelie/Amelia.

Our name tastes seem quite similar, and I think Kaden & Noah or Kaden & Georgia sound lovely together.
I have a friend who has a son called Dexter & he is really cute..

They also just had another boy called Carter which I love!!

I know someone with a son called Karrick which is nice..

Isaac was my favourite before we decided!!

My middle name is Cate so I am Emma-Cate :)

Oh yes I had Carter on our list and DH has a friend with a Carson which I also like x
Ooooh some really good options here, will put them forward to OH (who isn't keen on another C name due to it being the start of mine and DS name - but I am sure the right name may sway him).

Its just so hard, this name is theirs for life and it needs to suit them as a child and as a fully fledged adult...


How about Caleb - I really like that. From your girl's names I love Imogen and have chosen that if I ever have another girl x
I'm having twins (one of each) so have been going around in circles trying to find uncommon boys and girls13 names and think we've finally settled on a few. Here are the rest from my list:

Boys: Logan, Pierce, Donovan, Broden, Lance, Isaac, Mason
Girls: Melody, Aurora, Jocelyn, Levinia, Layla, Evangeline, Brooke

If I like a name I'm brave with it. Dexter is cool and stylish and would have been on my list had OH not vetoed it.
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I like Max and Phoebe from your lists... Actually love Phoebe but a close friend has a girl with that name so we haven't chosen that x
I love the name Phoebe, too! One of our twins was almost a Phoebe.
I love many of the boys names you've chosen, but my favourite is by far Dexter!! I really fell in love with that name... I personally don't know anyone named Dexter and the first time I ever heard people thinking about naming their children Dexter was on here. My first thought was the TV series (which I really enjoyed) and I thought it'd be odd to name a kid Dexter...but I've really come around to actually LOVING that name. If I ever have a boy that name is definitely on top of my list!
I'm having twins (one of each) so have been going around in circles trying to find uncommon boys and girls13 names and think we've finally settled on a few. Here are the rest from my list:

Boys: Logan, Pierce, Donovan, Broden, Lance, Isaac, Mason
Girls: Melody, Aurora, Jocelyn, Levinia, Layla, Evangeline, Brooke

If I like a name I'm brave with it. Dexter is cool and stylish and would have been on my list had OH not vetoed it.

Isaac & Aurora sounds TOOOOOO cute!!

Putting two together...I absolutely LOVE Phoebe Imogen. Phoebe Kate sounds great too. We'd name our little girl Chloe. Boys I like Callum, Connor, Ryan, Andrew, Harry, Hendrix and Adam.

Girls names (off the top of my head) Farrah, Macey, Jayde, Araya, Amy, Tegan, Leela, Peri, Matilda, Harriet, Jemima, Tabatha, Tia, Tara...the list is endless.
Hey pismo

I love max, Noah and tobias from your boys list :)! I do like Dexter too - but have a family friend with a dog called that, so puts me off a bit. But that's totally personal to me. It's a cool name.

Girls - I think bethany is gorg. I would like this name but husbands cousin used it on their baby girl first :-(! Bethany kate sounds gorg. I do also like Freya and Georgia, really girly.

Think you have a fab short list xx
I love the name dexter. Me and hubby thought about this for our youngest son but also wasn't brave enough. In the end we just went so unusual with it we have NEVER had the right pronunciation of it. Cabhan we named him, yet we always get (Cabarn,Cayben, Coban and Caben" his name is CAVEN spelt Cabhan!

My reason for that story is if you ever feel daring about your child's name never don't feel brave enough, if you like dexter don't not do it is what I'm saying x
I have a Rhys and a Toby and now older and braver i choose more risky names, my now 16 yr old Rhys always says why I have I got such a normal boring name ! Ha you can't win

Dexter is fab
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I love Dexter. And I am going through the series Dexter even though he is a serial killer I still think it's a fab name.

Definitely be brave! We are naming our little girl Reem. My in laws and my dad don't like it and I never met anyone with that name. If we can't be brave with our own child's names, what are we to be brave with? Haha:) if you like it, go for it, don't let anyone scare you x
Btw, if you want to shorten it too, it can be shortened to "Dex" which I absolutely adore too.
What about
: Aoife? (ee-fa) girl
: Darragh boy
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