are we ever ready


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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to give birth ??????

after months of panicing about the idea of having to give birth i thought i had finally come around to the idea. from the weekend after months of telling baby to stay inside me i have started to give him permission now to come out whenever he wants to. i'm a bit worried about being on my own when it happens. i'm due july 15th but my mum and dad are on holiday for 2 weeks from the 5th july. they will only be 200 miles away and can easily come back but my brother moves out next week too so i'll be alone in the house most of the time. my bf and brother will only be a phonecall away but still worries me incase something happens. anyway i'm getting off the point of the post now waffling away :lol: anyway yes i thought i was ready for labour and birth and giving baby permission to come out the sooner the better :D but in the shower earlier i thought i felt water coming out of me :shock: i think it was just wee or shower water :rotfl: but for those few seconds i was crapping myself thinking oh my god is this the start of my waters breaking i take it back you don't have permission to come out yet i'm not ready :shock: :eek: :rotfl:

are we ever fully ready for this ???
Probably not tbh! I've been trying to get Tally out for weeks, but last week i found myself thinking, well its ok if she stays in a little longer.

Dave and my dad and brother are away tonight and tomorrow so i'm keeping my legs firmly closed, but i do feel ready to meet her now. Her feet may be little but they're begining to bloody hurt!

I think when things actually happen all the adrenaline and hormones will kick in and you'll do fine with giving birth and having him there. It's just cos we have time to over think things atm
i remember my 6th form biology teacher saying (all those years ago) that she thought going into hospital to have her first she knew everything as she had read all the books in the loca library. She realised after the first contraction she knew nothing!

So no i don't think you every are really fully prepared, you just get on with t cos you don't have a choice.

I'm sure you'll do fine :hug: Although, the realisation has only just hit me about birth and all that comes after :oops: :lol:
Im 100% ready :D Im actually looking forward to labour :shock: :lol:

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