Are there any meats young babies can't have?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hiya all,

starting Ash on veg at the moment but just wondering what meats I can give him?

I know when I was pregnant I wasn't supposed to have certain fish. Is it ok for babies to have it all? Tuna, salmon, etc?

Any meats I should avoid? And can he have meat at any time or should I wait a bit first?

They only say to avoid Fish - particularly plaice, tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines but because these foods are likely to cause food allergies or digestive problems, you can give these foods in small quantities just use the 4 day rule for any adverse reactions. Fish is actually the perfect "health food" for babies as its high in protein, potassium and vitamins.
-I would apply the same rules with any fish that may contain mercury as you did in pregnancy, but to be honest what baby can cosume that much fish anyway? so I think the small quantities that you wold use wouldn't be worth worrying about.
-Pretty much all other meats are ok, chicken and turkey are the best meats to introduce first...only risks are really from choking, but at this stage most your meats are proberbly pureed anyway.
Offal as well...(not that i would give him it anyway)
I was told after 6 months anything goes except honey... so ryan's had steak, bacon, ham, chicken, salmon, tuna...
Hows the weaning going now KJ? I just saw your earlier post xx
I was told anything goes after 6 months as well, and my HV actively encourages you to give fish - at least two portions of oily fish a week, the same as for adults. She does warn though that if you use tinned fish not to use ones in brine - either oil, spring water or tomato juice.
thanks for the advice everyone. Prob be a few weeks till we're on meat, but it's good to know in advance.

Nikkif - thanks for asking. Weaning actually going much better than last time I posted. Today he took 1 ice cube of carrot, 1 of broccoli and then 6oz of formula without complaining!! I've dropped 2 breastfeeds now and he's finally eating!!!! I'm sooooo happy. How are things with you?

i introduced occasional solids from 4 months but was only veg and fruit or baby rice. i thought meat would be too hard to digest. i started white meats from 6 or 7 months and red meats few months later, i still limit red meat because it is so much harder to digest than other foods
I just had this e-mail from Baby Weekly of Foods to Avoid, so though I would paste here:-

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends you begin introducing solid foods to your baby around 6 months of age to ensure he or she receives proper nutrition. While you are preparing for this momentous milestone, keep in mind there are a number of foods you should not give your baby until he or she is older, including:

Wheat: Wheat is the most common grain allergen so you should not give your baby wheat or wheat products until she is six to eight months old and can handle rice and oats.

Honey: Honey can harbor spores of botulism, which can grow and produce life-threatening toxins in your baby's intestinal tract. Do not give your baby honey until she is older than one year.

Cow's Milk: Giving a baby cow's milk too early can cause childhood allergies. Wait to introduce cow's milk until she is one year old.

Eggs: Infants older than nine months can have egg yolks, but wait until your baby is older than one year to give her the protein-rich whites.

Citrus: Check with your pediatrician before giving citrus juice to your baby as it can cause allergies.

Peanuts: Peanuts or peanut butter can cause violent allergic reactions and shouldn't be given to children younger than 3 years old.
Rachael said:
I just had this e-mail from Baby Weekly of Foods to Avoid, so though I would paste here:-

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends you begin introducing solid foods to your baby around 6 months of age to ensure he or she receives proper nutrition. While you are preparing for this momentous milestone, keep in mind there are a number of foods you should not give your baby until he or she is older, including:

Wheat: Wheat is the most common grain allergen so you should not give your baby wheat or wheat products until she is six to eight months old and can handle rice and oats.

Honey: Honey can harbor spores of botulism, which can grow and produce life-threatening toxins in your baby's intestinal tract. Do not give your baby honey until she is older than one year.

Cow's Milk: Giving a baby cow's milk too early can cause childhood allergies. Wait to introduce cow's milk until she is one year old.

Eggs: Infants older than nine months can have egg yolks, but wait until your baby is older than one year to give her the protein-rich whites.

Citrus: Check with your pediatrician before giving citrus juice to your baby as it can cause allergies.

Peanuts: Peanuts or peanut butter can cause violent allergic reactions and shouldn't be given to children younger than 3 years old.

Ooops - I give anything but honey! Bad Mummy!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Ooops - I give anything but honey! Bad Mummy!

Valentine Xxx

To be honest I still give the foods that are associated with allergies because we have no allergies in our family at all. I have even used cows milk to mix into baby cereals etc...That list is just a guide, which I do take into account but I don't apply rigidly!
Rachael said:
I just had this e-mail from Baby Weekly of Foods to Avoid, so though I would paste here:-

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends you begin introducing solid foods to your baby around 6 months of age to ensure he or she receives proper nutrition. While you are preparing for this momentous milestone, keep in mind there are a number of foods you should not give your baby until he or she is older, including:

Wheat: Wheat is the most common grain allergen so you should not give your baby wheat or wheat products until she is six to eight months old and can handle rice and oats.

Honey: Honey can harbor spores of botulism, which can grow and produce life-threatening toxins in your baby's intestinal tract. Do not give your baby honey until she is older than one year.

Cow's Milk: Giving a baby cow's milk too early can cause childhood allergies. Wait to introduce cow's milk until she is one year old.

Eggs: Infants older than nine months can have egg yolks, but wait until your baby is older than one year to give her the protein-rich whites.

Citrus: Check with your pediatrician before giving citrus juice to your baby as it can cause allergies.

Peanuts: Peanuts or peanut butter can cause violent allergic reactions and shouldn't be given to children younger than 3 years old.

Harrison has everything off of that list apart from honey (We dont buy it cause we wouldn't use it) I think they like to be very cautious now days but really as already said if you haven't got any allergies in your family then I don't think there's any reason why they can't have them things.

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